What should I do with my under consideration stamp before it expires on May 5?

May 2, 2020
4 years ago
Hoan ********
Happy weekend!

Hi guys, I have an under consideration stamp which will expire on 05 May, as I understand that all alliens with such stamp will have to go to the immigration office to close in order to be automatically eligible to stay until 31 July. Could anyone advise if this information is correct? And if it is, where is immigration office in BKK? Is it in Chaeng Wattana or Muangthong Thani, please help specify the address.

Thanks in advance
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the process for their under consideration stamp set to expire on May 5, and whether they need to visit the immigration office to complete the extension. The comments suggest it's advisable to return to the immigration office to ensure the proper extension is obtained, and they discuss the implications of the stamp status amid the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
Tod *********
And just like that we're done, you either GO back on the date you're supposed to and MAKE them give you the second stamp (as in don't take their "no need to do anything line" so that you have a real extension stamp in your passport


You sit tight with an under-consideration stamp, take the amnesty AND when the amnesty ends see if having that stamp affects you in any way.
Tod *********
Let's look at this logically.

The "unable to travel due to covid-19" embassy letter extension is a TWO step process, you go apply, get the "under consideration" stamp that tells you when you go back to get the "extension stamp" that completes that extension process.

There are several types of extensions that have under consideration stamps and ALL of them you go back to get the REAL extension of stay stamp on the date it says to on the under consideration stamp.

Why would this "unable to travel due to covid-19" be any different?

NOW could you be okay and covered by the amnesty if you didn't go back and get the second stamp, MOST LIKELY yes.


why even chance it. NO one knows how this amnesty deal works, OR how it will end. Why not just take away all the doubt about it and GO get your second stamp?
Tod *********
Where did you get the under consideration stamp?
Hoan ********
Thanks Tod Daniels
Jorge *******
@Tod ********
, I got my under consideration stamp in Chaeng Watthana but when I went in person (same day it expired, 15 April), they said not need to do anything. Yesterday I called them again with the same question and I got the same answer, no need to do anything. However it is distressing having an "under consideration" as the last stamp and knowing that other immigration offices like Muangthong Thani restamp to close the loop
Hoan ********
@Tod ********
Is it an officially new building or just a replaced place for the small one in Chaeng Wattana?
Jorge *******
In Chaeng Watthana they told me it's not necessary to restamp (I also have under consideration). However I heard about some people with "under consideration" in Chaeng Watthana who got the supposedly not needed restamp at Muangthong Thani. Is it really needed or not, it is unclear.
Hoan ********
Hi Tod, I got the stamp at Muangthong Thani in BKK,m
Tod *********
There are conflicting reports about it,


we are advising people to go back and complete the extension process.

you go back to the immigration office you got the stamp from.
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