What is the visa fee for the Elite visa in Thailand and is it possible to spend the required Bt800,000 afterwards?

June 27, 2023
a year ago
Simon *******
With regards to the Elite visa I understand that you have to have Bt800,000 in your account 2 months before applying. What I am unsure of is what is the visa fee to pay on approval and afterwards can you spend the Bt800k?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original inquiry about the Thai Elite Visa involved confusion regarding the financial prerequisites related to this visa type and the costs associated with it. Several commenters clarified that the Elite Visa requires a direct payment (usually starting from 600,000 baht) rather than showing funds in a bank account, which is a requirement for the Retirement Visa instead. Additionally, one commenter discussed the financial requirements for a Non-Immigrant O visa extension, explaining that one needs to maintain a balance of either 800,000 baht or 400,000 baht depending on the duration and conditions following the application.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Simon *******
Many thanks to those of you who relied without judgement. Yes I was confused about the visa requirements which is why I asked a broad question in what I thought was a 'Visa Advice' page. To those who replied in the typical Facebook manner, I.e. sarcastic and treating those who didn’t know as much as you - shame on you. Again thank you for those of you who gave clear advice.
Shayne **********
800k for retirement visa

Elite 600k into the elite bank account after being approved. Get the sticker.

Problem solved.
Erin ***************
Oliver **********
Yes the entry requirements to Thailaysia are quite complex
David **********
Go back to square one and start reading about this again as you are very confused and your post makes no sense
Marty *********
Let’s assume you are not asking about the Elite visa but you are really inquiring about a 1 year extension of a nonimmigrant O visa. The extension costs 1,900 baht. You must deposit 800,000 baht 2 months before you apply and keep it there 3 months after you apply. The amount can then drop down to 400,000 baht. You would then replenish the account back up to 800,000 baht 2 months before you apply for the next 1 year extension.
Dudley *********
@Marty ********
this is what I'm currently doing. I assume I can deplete the account after 3 months if I'm going for a.different type visa next year?
Marty *********
@Dudley ********
A different visa or a different way of meeting the 1 year extension financial requirements?
Dudley *********
@Marty ********
a different visa. 60 days on entry with extensions. Thanks
Marty *********
@Dudley ********
When you get a 1 year extension you sign a document that says you understand the terms of the financial requirements. I think you have to honor those requirements throughout the year. That would mean not going below 400k the remainder of the year. If they see you didn't abide by the requirements it may complicate whatever you plan to do the subsequent year. Or maybe not. Play it safe or take a risk?
Dudley *********
กะลาสี *****
If you are interested in the Elite Visa, recommend you just Google it. Here is one of many links that popped up when I Googled it. Hope this helps.

Mahesh *********
For Elite visa, you don't need to show any money in your bank account. You pay for it and they give you the visa.
Jacci *********
@Mahesh ********
how long is the elite visa valid for?
Mahesh *********
@Jacci ********
There are multiple memberships. You can get the visa for 5 years, 10 years, or 20 years. The 5 year one costs a one time upfront payment of 600,000 THB. Also, if you consider applying, always apply from their official website, which is thailandelite .com (remove the space before the dot).
Jacci *********
@Mahesh ********
Thankyou so much for your help. I was getting very confused about visas

If you are looking at retirement can you still buy 5 or 10 year elite visa?
Mahesh *********
@Jacci ********
Yes, you can buy any of those visas (5, 10, 20 years).
Jacci *********
@Mahesh ********
instead of a retirement visa?
Mahesh *********
@Jacci ********
You can get a retirement visa if you're eligible for it. In my opinion, though, Elite is the easiest visa to get (of course, if you're willing to shell out bucks for it).
Jacci *********
@Mahesh ********
yeah that sounds like a good option

You need b
0 for a retirement visa anyway

And if it’s a 5 or 10 year visa that means no going in and out of the country for new visas I’m hoping ???
Mahesh *********
@Jacci ********
With the Elite visa, the money that you pay is gone. With the retirement visa, you get to keep money in your bank account.

With an Elite visa, you do get to live in the country for years. However, you still need to do 90 day reporting and yearly-extensions, like other visas. Doing both these is super easy though, and the Elite team helps you do all of this.
Brandon ************
Jacci *********
@Brandon ***********
instead of a retirement visa? Just get an elite visa?
Brandon ************
@Jacci ********
I don't know why you'd spend the money if you qualify for retirement visa, but you can if you want.
Jacci *********
@Brandon ***********
oh I thought we had to have b
0 fir a retirement visa anyway
Brandon ************
@Jacci ********
you need to do a lot more reading about thai visas because you don't understand ANYTHING. There's no leaving and returning if you're on a retirement visa. With a retirement visa you keep the money in YOUR bank account and it's YOUR money.

With an elite visa you PAY the money to Thailand and it's gone forever.
Jacci *********
@Brandon ***********
you are very correct

I dont understand which is why I am annoying you knowledgeable people for answers

We are just starting this journey snd trying to get my head around it. You have no idea how much I appreciate your time and effort snd the information you have shared. Thankyou so much 🙏🙏🙏
Noel *********
Slightly mixed up post , as above , elite visa ,and retirement visa requiring 800,000 in the bank are two different things....
Todd *********
@Noel ********
‘slightly’ for sure
Brandon ************
You are very confused. First you say the Elite visa which is a visa you buy. You pay a large amount of money to purchase the visa. There's no showing money in your account because you are purchasing the visa for 600,000 baht or more.

Then you mention 800,000 baht which is a number that you would show for a retirement visa.

Are you asking about the Elite Visa or a retirement visa??
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