Petition to remove blood donation restrictions on France, The United Kingdom, and Ireland
The USA and Australia recently removed vCJD restrictions.
Less than a 1 in 29 million chance of contracting vCJD through blood transfusions.
Rh Negative is a Rare Blood Group in Thailand. Less than 0.3%. We need donors from the UK, France and Ireland.
Please sign and share. ❣❣❣❣
TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses a petition aimed at removing blood donation restrictions imposed on donors from France, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, highlighting that the USA and Australia have recently lifted similar restrictions. It mentions the very low risk (less than 1 in 29 million) of contracting vCJD through blood transfusions. The author emphasizes the rarity of the Rh Negative blood type in Thailand (less than 0.3%) and expresses a need for donors from these countries.