What currency should I bring when traveling to Cambodia from Thailand?

November 22, 2022
2 years ago
Scot *******
Hello, we live in Thailand and have access to baht. We want to go to Cambodia for a while. What currency is best or acceptable there?

Will they take baht?

Do ATMs there give both Riel and USD as I've heard?

Should I convert to USD here before we go?

Will any other country take or convert Riel?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
When traveling from Thailand to Cambodia, it's best to bring US dollars (USD) for most transactions, as they are widely accepted throughout Cambodia. While some establishments may accept Thai Baht, this isn't guaranteed, and you may face challenges exchanging it directly in Cambodia. ATMs predominantly dispense US dollars, and some may provide Cambodian Riel (KHR) but typically used for smaller purchases. It's advisable to convert your Thai Baht to USD before your trip for better currency acceptance and exchange rates.
Steve *******
They take USD or Baht but you'll get any change in Riel.
Dana *******
USD ! ATM machines give you USD.
Scot *******
@Dana ******
- what denomination?
Helen ********
@Scot ******
usually $50 or $100 but depends on the amount your withdraw. Most places won't take large bills so go into the bank where you used the ATM and change to smaller bills. Takes about 5-10 minutes usually.
James **********
In Phnom Penh earlier this year it was very difficult to find anyone there who would change my Thai baht for dollars. I would advise going to a bank in Thailand to get US dollars before you go and make sure you have enough to see you through.
Gary *********
Take US dollars, Reil are worthless outside of Cambodia.
Steve **********
@Gary ********
Not worth much there either.

USD and Baht are best.
Gary *********
Steve **********
US Dollar
Riaan **********
They dont want to accept their local currency, but give you a crappy exchange rate if you pay with something else.

Bought a beer,
LAK, tried to pay with 1000B note, they want to give me
LAK change,
Steve **********
@Riaan *********
1000 baht is worth well over 100,000 of theirs.

You can drink at my bar anytime.

If you have a phone, then you have google, which means you have exchange rates....... Do you wear a red hat ?
Scot *******
@Riaan *********
- is that like 29 usd for a one dollar beer?
Twiggy ******
I always bring Thai Baht and exchange to Riel when I arrive in Cambodia. I bring some USD too.
Scot *******
@Twiggy *****
- standard conversion rates, they just scrap off a bit?
Twiggy ******
@Scot ******
, the rates I had at the gold shops in the market was slightly better than the rates I saw on xe.com the same day. If you have the bank notes of 1 USD, they might still use together with Riel. My latest trip was in year 2020.
Val **********
We have just returned, you will need US$ for most things, some shops will accept their local currency but not all. Take small notes and make sure they are not damaged in any way.
Mark *********
US $ is what you get in cash machines. Lots of these machines around. Use Kip only for small things. Outside Cambodia nobody wants it. Don't get stuck with a lot if Kip.
Scot *******
@Mark ********
- if it's taken from a US bank by ATM, will there be any conversion, or double conversion, like USD to Riel then back to USD? What is the fee?
Mark *********
@Scot ******
Yes. I agree with comment above. You withdraw $200 or $300 and you will likely get $100 Bill's. Useless, so take it odd amounts, $190 etc.
Mark *********
@Scot ******
No idea on the fee. It is what is and if you want the convenience and safety if an ATM then you pay.
Ryan ***********
@Scot ******
Only thing they use there is USD you’ll pay more if you buy it in Thailand just get it from the atm
Scot *******
@Ryan **********
- do you know what denomination the USD is from the ATM?
Ryan ***********
@Scot ******
Try this site.

Also only withdraw 90 $140 $190 don’t withdraw $100-200 it’s very difficult to get change back atm will give only $20s if you withdraw $100+ I think gives a ten or two if $90+

Ryan ***********
@Scot ******
I haven’t been there since before I got married my wife and I when she was my gf went there together 2019
Ryan ***********
@Scot ******
It’s probably American Cambodia is very much like America compared to any other SE Asian country
Mark *********
Sorry Riel not Kip! Don't get stuck with a lot to take home.
John ********
US Dollar
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