What are the requirements for having 800,000 baht in a Thai bank for a retirement visa extension?

June 14, 2021
3 years ago
John *****
The 800k in Thai bank, can it be any bank? Or which is the easiest to get the certify letter? If transfering from employment to OA do not need to show proof there the funds comes from?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To apply for a retirement visa extension in Thailand, you need to have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account, which can be any normal bank but must be in your name only (not a fixed deposit). It's suggested to keep it in an account for at least 2 months prior to your application and you don't need to show the source of the funds if you’re just transitioning from another extension based on employment. Popular banks mentioned include Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn, both of which can provide the necessary certification letters on the day of application. For further extensions, you can dip back to 400,000 baht after your first application, but must top it back up to 800,000 baht two months before the next application.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Mark **********
My account is with Krungsi. Very responsive on providing same day certification letters for immigration purposes. I believe the fee is 200B.
Baron *********
Yes, any bank is fine.
Charles *********
SCB no longer has a branch office at Changwattana so that has made the bank less convenient for me.
Daniel ******
Now it has to be all the year around. My friend had problems with immigration because 1 day it was 400 Baht short; i. E. Only 799 600.
Terry ********
Can someone please confirm how long the 800k in the bank for a retirement extension has to be in the bank before you can dip in to it down to 400k? Also when does it have to be topped up again to 800k before the next extension? Is it 2 months the same as with the 1st extension? Thanks.
Stuart *********
@Terry *******
2 months prior and 3 months after. Then it can go no lower than 400k and has to be topped back up to 800k two months prior to your next application.
Terry ********
@Stuart ********
Thank you. I thought so but I just wanted to double-check.
Robert ********
Not Citibank Thailand
Ian *******
Frank ********
Andrew *******
Kasikorn is good because the letter must be produced on the day of the application and they have a branch onsite at the visa center and are experienced in doing it.
Janin ******
Antonio ***********
Danielle ********
Bangkok Bank is the one I was told to use but it can be any Thai bank (omg)
Danielle ********
Oh and yes the bank will give you a letter if you ask, the immigration office will have the form for you to take to your bank for verification, if you’re in Bangkok, the banks all have branches on the main floor of the immigration building
Timmy ******
@Danielle *******
I have an account with Krungsri...Do they also have a Branch on the main floor of CW?
Danielle ********
Henrik ****
@Danielle *******
, I guess you mean Bangkok Bank, right?
Steve *******
@Henrik ***
I was thinking the same. Never heard of "Bank of Bangkok".
Tod *********
As you are only changing the reason for your extension (NOT applying for an in country Non-O visa) you don't need to show the funds came from overseas. All you need to do is have the 800K baht in a thai bank account in your name only for 2 months before you apply for the new extension.

All the big thai banks are about the same, believe me you're not the first foreigner who needs to get the bank letter to get an extension so they'll all crank one out pretty easy
Stuart *********
It can be any of the usual Thai banks but must be in your name only and not a fixed deposit account where you can’t have instant access to the cash if needed
Tod *********
there is no "transfer from employment to an O-A" inside the country :( you BUY the Non-O-A visa in your country before you come here

I think what you're wanting to do is go from an "extension of stay" based on employment to an "extension of stay" based on being over 50 (retirement) at the immigration office inside the country ;)
John *****
Starting off visa Non B for employment then renewal yearly extension of stay based on employment then changing to extension of stay based on retirement....so the visa type stamped remains Non B? And to changeover to extension of stay based on retirement, does this need to any health insurance requirements? Does the new 3mil thb cv insurance rule apply?
Tod *********
@John ****
there is no "visa type" you get a stamp that says extension of stay permitted until xxx date and has the word retirement stamped on it

Yes if you trace it back to the original non-immigrant visa it would be a non-B but that visa ran out years ago and you've been on extensions since then
Tod *********
@John ****
there is no health insurance required. that policy has not been implemented yet
John *****
Sorry, your terms are correct. Thx Tod
Tod *********
@John ****
you shouldn't have a problem switching off the employment extension to retirement, it's done all the time :)
Tod *********
IF that's what you're wanting to do you get documents from your employer stating you stop work on xxx date, you go to the immigration office cancel your employment extension with and then immediately apply for a year extension based on "retirement".

You're not getting any new visa, all you're doing is changing the reason for your extension from one based on employment to one based on retirement
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