What are the requirements and process for extending a TR60 visa in Muang Thong Thani?

February 17, 2021
4 years ago
Alessandro *********
Just got my 30 days extension for TR60 visa in Muang Thong Thani.

They only asked copy of passport and TM6, forms, pictures, and the 1900 bath.

I had appointment but I didnโ€™t really need - it was just me and a few guys, very quick

It closes from 12pm to 1pm.

Thanks admins and mods in the group for the info!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user successfully extended their TR60 visa for 30 days at Muang Thong Thani, providing a passport copy, TM6 form, photographs, and payment of 1900 baht. They mentioned that having an appointment wasn't necessary due to low foot traffic. Another user asked about restrictions on applying for a Covid-19 60-day extension post-30-day extension, indicating uncertainty. Additional inquiries included the availability of photo services near the visa office.
Pathamaporn **********
Are there any photo shooting place nearby visa counter in Meung Thong?
Tod *********
@Pathamaporn *********
they will take photos at the place that does copies and sells water / instant noodles inside the ground floor of that building
Pathamaporn **********
@Tod ********
thx much
Chloe *****
Hi! I also extended 30 days on my TR visa and it is expiring in early March. The officer at Siracha told me that i can not apply for Covid 19 60 days extension after 30 days extension is over and i must leave. Is that correct?
Covid 19 60 days will expire on March 31st.
Chloe *****
so even if I apply for covid 19 extensions on the first week of March, the end date will be March 31, is that correct?
@Chloe ****
March 31st should be the final date can apply for Covid 19 60 days. If you get the stamp on March 31st, the visa should be extended to the end of May. You can ask the immigration office to confirm
Gregor **********
you cannot get the Covid19 extension stamp on March 31. March 30 ist the last day to make the application
Chloe *****
oh i see!! thanks for the info
Benjamin ******
@Chloe ****
That is not correct
Chloe *****
@Benjamin *****
i know some offices allow 60 days extension on TR visa but Siracha is not. Do you think i should go different office that previously issued 60 days extension on TR visa. I heard I can get TM30 from a hotel in that district
Chloe *****
@Benjamin *****
means that i can request covid 19 60 days extension after 30 days of extension is over?
Benjamin ******
I took a look at your profile and noticed you are Korean. Are you sure you entered on a 60 day tourist visa and not a bilateral agreement?
Chloe *****
@Benjamin *****
Yes, all Koreans should apply for Visa to enter Thailand after covid situation.
Gregor **********
@Chloe ****
if Si Racha immigration is not helpful, it would be worth checking if Jomtien Immigration would give you a Covid19 extension any day before March 30 (or before your 30 days TR extensions runs out). But be aware you must use the Immigration which serves your area of residence. In order to use the Jomtien or any other office, you will have to change your residence adress, TM30 and all
Chloe *****
@Gregor *********
thank you very much for your info!!
Benjamin ******
@Chloe ****
but did you enter on a tourist visa? Can I see a picture of the used visa sticker? Or your entry stamp?
Chloe *****
@Benjamin *****
I have a visa sticker ๐Ÿ˜Š
Tod *********
thanx for the update (y)
James ********
Thanks for the report ๐Ÿ˜Š
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