How does Thailand's infrastructure compare to that of its neighbors like Malaysia and Vietnam?

May 29, 2021
3 years ago
Pat *********
Just curious to think what people think of infrastructure in Thailand when comparing it to neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Vietnam? Bangkok is one hell of a city, but when Vietnam has Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (two super cities), Da Nang, Hue etc. Malaysia has Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Penang etc which are all major developed cities. Seeing some of Thailand it looks like a lot of focus is pushed into Bangkok rather than elsewhere in the country. Anyone’s experience and thoughts on it?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around comparing Thailand's infrastructure, particularly in Bangkok, to that of neighboring countries like Malaysia and Vietnam. Many contributors noted that while Bangkok is well-developed, other cities in Thailand seem less prioritized for infrastructure improvements. Comments mention how Vietnam is modernizing but still lags in infrastructure quality, pointing out the poor conditions in cities like Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. Some commentators defended Thailand's ongoing modernization efforts, especially during the pandemic, and highlighted the diversity of life and culture in Thailand compared to the other countries. The dialogue touches on public transport, urban living conditions, and the influence of population density on infrastructure investment.
Ken ******
Ken ******
in relation to public transport infrastructure in bangkok, it is adequate but serious traffic jam during peak hour, also need improvement on flooding prevention and road conditions, see
Ken ******
aside from air pollution, need to improve on water drainage system as some smell bad, and locals mostly only buy/drink bottled water but not tap water (do not know the reason)
Tod *********
It's tough comparing a sucky developing third world country (like the glorious "Land 'O Thaiz") with a totally shitting third world country (like almost any neighboring S/E Asian country other than Hong Kong and Singapore).

Bangkok is a GIANT city over 600 square kilometers in size, in the city center the infrastructure is good (BTS/MRT, etc) but in the outskirts you can find it's much like rural village life
Linda *********
I was on Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in 2019. Danang's AQI was 184 at the airport! It was extremely high wherever I went except for Hoi An. I would never visit that country again. I did not find this in Thailand or Cambodia. But I didn't visit Bangkok.
Steve **********
David Broadfoot I use 3 sites, city hall, and the CMU aqi site. Occassionally compare to citilife, but they are more tourist org. friendly so underplay.

Aquicn. Is most accurate

Have been daily logging for close to 15 years
Steve **********
@Linda ********
We ( Chiangmai ) had many days over 200 ppm 2.5 so far, it hit close to 300 couple of weeks ago, with over 500 in MHS.

Its start if rainy season, so most fires are out. But air quality still bouncing at 100. 2 weeks we'll be fine .

Rechecked after your querie, the 300 day was aqi 2.5, 317 ppm
Linda *********
@Ivan ***********
2019, pollution was bad wherever I went. I won't be going back.
Ivan ************
That's not typical for Danang, the AQI averages there and in mid Vietnam in general are very good. Hanoi and HCMC are very bad, but Danang on average is good, better than anywhere in Thailand north of Hua Hin or so. It can have had days, I have seen numbers like 184 there but not typical. Look it up now, it's 45 which is in the green zone.
Burnard ************
If we are talking Infrastructure, I can only compare cities. Of the cities I have been to in Asean, the top 3 (in order) for infrastructure are:

1. Kuala Lumpur

2. Hong Kong (not really Asean, I know)

3. Bangkok

I am sure Singapore would be 1 or 2 but I have not been there (to flipp'n expensive)
Burnard ************
@Darren ******
That is what I have heard.
Darren *******
@Burnard ***********
haven't been to HK but Singapore's infrastructure is, in my view at least, miles ahead of both KL and Bangkok.
Roland ****
Why worry... 😊

Each country is different in so many ways....

Enjoy and experience the culture, traditions, cuisine and way of life... Etc etc ...
Sammy *******
Chiang mai has its "smokey season" , but otherwise it's pretty good-- today very nice, especially after last night's rain.

bkk has air quality issues all year round, made worse in recent months when they got hit with smoke from burning as well.
Gyorgy ********
Same as the UK everything is focused into London and the rest of the country's major cities are left on hold.
Pat *********
@Gyorgy *******
Not completely true, what about Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield even Leeds. A lot is pumped into Manchester in particular. I agree a lot is pumped into London but there are powerhouses elsewhere.
Gregg *************
It’s super polluted BKK air quality but so is chiangmai
Steve **********
@Gregg ************
Chiangmai has been rated worst in world 3 years in a row. This year any deaths attributed to the 2.5 ppm will be called Covid related.
Gregg *************
Depends on what you’re looking for most tourists avoid bangkok
Sammy *******
@Gregg ************
I think the previous tourist stats that ost visit bkk, at least as starting or ending of a tour package-- for most tourists who have never been to Thailand, bkk remains in their minds as an exotic place.
Ken ******
google search only provides some sketchy information
Ken ******
what about country ranking in road conditions or road safety country ranking? and air and environmental pollution? also curious if local people drink their tap water or only buy/drink bottled water? and water drainage/sewage or flood in raining season?
Jeff **********
@Ken *****
you would be crazy to drink tap water anywhere in Thailand. Much of the much of the country lacks proper environmental infrastructure such as sewage treatment and garbage pickup. As a result there is a lot of trash on the sides of the roads, on river banks, and on beaches except where they are cleaned up by resorts or other parties. There seems to be very little regulation regarding filling and destroying wetlands.
เฮนนิ่ง ************
Bangkok is a sponge. Many workers have big homes and arable land on the countryside but stay in dormitories or even slum-like huts in Bangkok to make some money. Once the pockets are full they go home to spend the money, or send it home to their families. That allows many people to work on a "work-on-demand" basis, according to their personal needs and the current economic situation. Bangkok officially has some 10 million people i believe but can host up to twice as much (greater bkk area). That's how it works for many people. It helps to create a moneyflow out of bkk but public infrastructure is all spend in Bangkok.
Steve **********
I think you're comparing apples to oranges. Rank the cities of each country by population and the infrastructure spending distribution makes sense. Also, it's worth noting that Thailand has less than half the overall population density of Vietnam.
Stéfan ********
Ipoh and Penang (you mean George Town) aren’t big cities... in fact, they’re smaller than Chiangmai, which is a rather small town. But you’re right: the focus is put on Bangkok. It’s the only real big city in Thailand, and by a massive long shot. To be fair, it’s a common practice in most countries: put the money on the economic engine of the nation.
Ivan ************
Even Johor Bahru as well, the centre of that is really tiny and then it's endless suburbs. A lot of people who commute to Singapore every day. And there is quite a bit of industry- but there's a lot of industry in Chonburi and Ranong here as well. There's much less variety or things to do there than Chiang Mai, I spent a few months there a while back. Super city it's not.
Darren *******
Unless Hanoi has changed a lot since I was there last I wouldn't call it a super city, certainly not when compared to HCMC and BKK.
Paul ********
Joe ***********
You need to move to Malaysia or Vietnam
Sammy *******
@Pat ********
that's a good one--was that one of your insights?
Pat *********
@Sammy ******
You OK hun?
Sammy *******
@Pat ********
you really think anyone here has true "insights" into what direction Thailand's infrastructure plans should take-- who has any background/ expertise in Thailand or a national infrastructure plan to offer "insight"-- stupid, negative gripes, yes-- insights? ha! what a laugh just one more stirred up bitch session.
Pat *********
Lived in Malaysia - it's great. Thailand is good also, but I'm opening a conversation about infrastructure - just interested to hear others insights.
Sammy *******
sorry, and just my thoughts, but these kinds of posts seem to serve no purpose but to stir up complaints about Thailand. to what end, any such negative session will not change a single decision to be made by the govt-- ur crazy if u think they care about ur gripes here-- so, there is nothing but bitching-- didnt do ur hw before moving here, too bad, but there are flights leaving every day-- go back and attend to the infrastructure in ur home country.
Nathan ********
@Sammy ******
well said

For me on my first arrival in mae salong I was stunned at how simple life is

Because that’s the lifestyle I like. A life where grandmas still make traditional handcrafted

A place with thriving street markets

A place where eating doesn’t cost half a wage packet

A place with pure countryside not pooisoned by pesticides

A place where dogs and children can roam freely and play and learn life

A place with relatively lower crime rates than uk

A place where everyone smiles

A place where roads are bumpy and there’s 80 year old farmers vehicles still in operation

A place where time has transported it into the crazy chaotic pace of life in the west where very thing is governed by digital technology and high prices , higher stress rates and higher death rates

Crime through the roof and very little happiness until weekend for the big piss up

Everything about the UK and what it stands for I truly do hate

Everything that is thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia or Myanmar is everything what I love about life

So I really hope those people who think they can sort out a country that isn’t broke in the first place would just keep schtum and don’t ruin what it is we love about Thailand just because they’ve not got all the mod cons of london ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️
Steve **********
@Sammy ******
Thailand is so diverse. Northeast, all, of Isaan each province with its oun influence: kymer, lao, burma , cambodia, ( most were once cambodian ) Up north to old Lanna. Central to old Capital in Sukothai / Ayuthaya, Bkk, the 3rd capital that was seldom Thai but Sihk and Chinese.Thai under Narai quite different under Rama 9. North, occuppied by Kumintang from 50 to 70, now own all the land. Add to that history has been edited, hiden, modified. Vietnam changed Thailand more than the Japanese occupation.

THAILAND IS WHAT IT IS TODAY. it will be different tomorrow, as it was yesterday. Just enjoy the people and culture. You will never stereotype Thais.
Sammy *******
@Steve *********
my point is take it as it is-- if you've been here a long time, then you've grown and adapted to the changes, if ur a newbie and you're shocked by things here, then u certainly didnt do your hw before choosing to move a live in a foreign country.

yes, lived here well over 20 years, closer to 25, prior to that, for around another 10 years, lived here part time--3-5 months of each years-- boy, has Thailand changed, as has everywhere, but I wouldnt choose to live anywhere else. but do get tired of gripers.
Steve **********
@Sammy ******
It is what it is. Must be good for you , I'm on 17 years so good for me.

What's the old saying " if you have to ask.........."
Sammy *******
@Steve *********
not sure your point, but to take it literally, then, yes, I agree. I've been here well over 20 years in different areas of the country-- I'm fine with how it is, but tired of those who just want to complain and bitch-- so, it's up to a bunch of farang, many who know nothing in reality about Thailand, to bitch about the govts misdirected national infrastructure plans. so helpful, come to visit or live here, and now some think they know what all of Thailand's problems are and how to fix them. most of them were meek, inconsequential mice back in their home countries, but come to Thailand, they have all the answers. How about let the Thai run their own country.
Sammy *******
@Pat ********
such a clever reply-- did it take u long to come up with it ?!
Pat *********
Lol, jog on
@Sammy ******
you wet flannel
Merv *******
@Sammy ******
see Tim Rhind comment , which is valid.I love Udon Thani , which has altered a lot since my first stay there in 2008.
Steve **********
@Sammy ******
TIT take it as it is. Not was, or will be.
Chan *************
you have look into thai history why bangkok was the prime focus.
Jason ********
Vietnam is FAR behind Thailand and Malaysia... infrastructure in HCM and Hanoi is appalling... they still don’t even have a MRT or transport system within the city
Ken ******
@An ******
oh many hk agents use it as selling points for vietnam condo
Han *****
@Ken *****
not yet but maybe next year, I hope so. Waiting more than 10 years to see it
Ken ******
@Greg *******
aren't they building or ready built MTR?
Jason ********
@Greg *******
I know... I live here lol!
Greg ********
@Jason *******
They had a late start and were cut off as America spit the dummy when they got beat. Vietnam is modernising fast. Investment rising and many companies moving there.
Nathan ********
The whole countries infrastructure is being modernised

At the start of covid the only people allowed to enter were those employed by the government or contract workers for “infrastructure developments”

While we’ve been locked at home for over a year our railways tracks have all been modernised etc etc and I think it’s going to be the same for other countries especially those who only allowed government or contract workers entry
John *****
All are different to compare, depends which you like. TH has the whole range from low to high end. Anddd....711 everywhere 555
Troy *******
@John ****
I have enjoyed Thailand as a whole, awesome place
Troy *******
Just hope they never change bangla rd, best rd in the world
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