Has the Thai visa pass been scrapped?

July 5, 2022
2 years ago
Angelique **********
Has the Thai visa pass been scrapped?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, the Thai pass has been scrapped, and only COVID vaccine status is now required for entry. Discussions surrounding the visa process for those looking after half Thai children mention that adoption or marriage to the child's mother is necessary for qualifying for certain visa types. Additionally, a 60-day extension may be possible if you have a Thai family connection.
Jo **********
no such thing as a Thai visa pass
Angelique **********
@Jo *********
semantics. People knew what I meant.
Kevin **********
Can I ask please, do get a visa for looking after a half Thai child - do I need to formally adopt it, or just marry with it's mom.

My step-kid is half Thai half British. I am British but I am not the biological father.

Many thanks
Graham ******
@Kevin *********
Yes you do need to adopt or marry for that type of visa
Kevin **********
@Graham *****
I prefer if I could get one based on having a half Thai stepchild vs marriage as the 400K don't need to be seasoned.
Graham ******
@Kevin *********
So you need to adopt to qualify
Kevin **********
@Graham *****
I am married with his mom
Graham ******
@Kevin *********
So you can apply for a 60 day extension for visiting Thai family or get a yearly extension if you have
0B in a Thai bank in your name
Shaun *********
You been in a coma?
Robert *********
No more quarantining at the Marriott too??! Darn!!
Bob *******
Bob ********
Michael *******
Joe **********
Michael ********
Visa and Thai pass seperate things. But yes Thai pass has been scrapped
Colin **********
Yes, only covid vaccine status needed
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