Can I extend my Non-OA visa in Thailand without depositing 800,000 THB, showing foreign income instead?

March 27, 2019
5 years ago
Joan *****************
Thank you for this incredible advice forum and the time and effort many of you put in to help others. It is most appreciated.

My husband and I (retired) are in Mae Sot on Non-OA visas obtained in Washington, DC, in 2017; we exited just before the visas ran out, so can be here until September, 2019. We have purchased multiple exit visas which also expire in September.

Here are my questions:

1. Rather than returning to the States and starting the process over again, I would like to extend our visas (for the purposes of retirement) from within the country WITHOUT depositing 800,000 THB. Can I do so if I can show statements of over $200,000 USD annuities in the USA and pension deposits (to a USA bank) of over 65,000 THB each per month?

1. If yes, can I do this at a local immigration office like at Mae Sot? They have a sign saying "Visa extensions" but I failed to ask specifics.

1. We will be out of the country when our next 90 day report is scheduled. As we have multiple-exit visas, when we return will that not just change the date of when we have to report?

Out of curiosity, if this plan goes up in smoke and we HAVE to return to the States and repeat the initial process, what do you do about police reports...given you've spent the last two years in Thailand? Also, it was no joke getting a physician to declare I was free of the "interesting" diseases listed without blood tests...which literally would cost thousands! Would a Thai doctor's report obtained here work at the Embassy in Washington?

I sincerely appreciate your help!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user seeks advice on extending their Non-OA visa for retirement in Thailand without the standard requirement of depositing 800,000 THB into a Thai bank. They inquire whether showing substantial foreign income from annuities and pension deposits would suffice for the extension, and if this can be done at a local immigration office in Mae Sot. They also ask about the implications of leaving the country before their next 90-day report and what to do regarding police reports if they have to return to the US.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
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Tod *********
The thing is, once you've gotten one O-A visa from a thai consulate in your country you "know the drill" and getting subsequent O-A's from them isn't that much of a hassle or inconvenience (aside from the slog back to your country).
James ********
@Tod ********
I got my police reports in my hometown city in Oklahoma. Walked in and out in twenty minutes with report stamped NO record. No fingerprints were taken or needed.
Bobby ********
Tod. That must be a US requirement. It's not needed in Australia
Joan *****************
That might work as we land in CA first. I could get them done and have them mailed to a location that we'll visit later. I didn't know UPS did it. Google has its great moments!
Marty *********
@Joan ****************
I applied for my police report at a UPS office. They take a fingerprint and submit the form. The results are mailed directly to you. This was in California. I found it using Google so there may be other businesses providing this service.
Tod *********
fingerprinting is because you need to supply a police background check to get an O-A visa.
Bobby ********
. Can I just ask what the fingerprinting is for?
Joan *****************
Yup, I'll have to look at it that way! I'm sitting here looking at my calendar, as we've got a multi-city trip to the States planned, trying to figure out where we can get the fingerprints done, and whether we can...once we drop off the application...have our daughter pick it up and overnight it to another location. Sigh. I shall remain positive.
Marty *********
Even though I return to the US yearly, I don’t want to spend that time working on a visa application. Getting a 1 year extension was easy. However you have to accept the financial requirements.
Joan *****************
Yes, I see. Just loathe and despise pulling stuff out of annuities that are doing well...but you can't have your cake and eat it, too.
Marty *********
Just produce a new police report in the US. It doesn’t matter where you have been for the last two years. A police report doesn’t include your travel itinerary.
Joan *****************
Will do. Thanks.
James ********
@Joan ****************
just from your last address.
Marty *********
@Joan ****************
They probably just want your last US address. I am using my sister’s address as a US address so if was doing a police report I would include that address.
Joan *****************
Aha! I thought last time they asked for the last few addresses. I guess I could just give them those. Thanks, Marty.
Joan *****************
That's good news. Thank you.
Robert *******
3) I you leave before your 90 days report date, you are not 90 days inside the country and therefor does not have to report. If you come back the day of arrival is day number 1 and you count yoursellf 89 days forward for a new due date.
Joan *****************
Yes, different question...but definitely good advice. We've been here two years and never once did the TM 30 thing-y, so I guess have just been desperately lucky. We'll now take note and try to be compliant.
Robert *******
@Philip ********
Register you address is a total different regulation than reporting that you're 90 days inside Thailand.
Philip *********
@Robert ******
true ! just making point you can avoid 90 day report but most places still have to visit immigration.
Robert *******
@Philip ********
Yes, on return of being abroad you need to update your address and TM6 departure card at your local Immigration Office if they enforce it, But that was not the question.
Philip *********
@Robert ******
but in many places would still need to do a TM 30
Robert *******
1). No. You must have or money in a Thai bank account or foreign deposits into a Thai bank account in your name.
Joan *****************
Sounds like no way to get around having money here unless we reapply. Thanks, Tod.
Tod *********
@Joan ****************
there's just three ways to meet the proof of funds, you bank the 800K baht, you transfer in to the country 65K baht a month from overseas OR you use a combination of banked money and international transfers that total 800K for the year.
Joan *****************
Rats! I was afraid of that but hoped the assets would count.
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