Can I apply for a multiple entry tourist visa from the USA, and what is a Special Tourist Visa?

December 13, 2021
3 years ago
Terary **********
Ok. Time to figure out my next visa move. Volunteer seems like it's not going to happen.

Is a multiple entry from my home country possible? My home country is USA. And of course, I would go there to get it. Or they only have single entry tourist visa at this time?

What is a "Special" tourist visa? What are the benefits and requirements?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about the possibility of applying for a multiple entry tourist visa from the USA, especially in light of volunteering plans that are not materializing. Comments suggest that multiple entry visas are currently not offered, particularly since COVID-19. The Special Tourist Visa (STV) is mentioned as a viable option that allows for up to 9 months of stay but cannot be converted to other types of visas. Alternatives such as the TR visa or exemptions leading to ED or Non-B visa are also discussed.
Howard *******
Try work away website
Nick ************
Elite is a total waste of money.
Bim *******
Peter Kelly none or bend over and get married.
Bim *******
Peter Kelly absolutely. What I did haha
Thao **********
Multiple entry is not currently offered - to be honest, I haven't seen anyone enter on multiple entry since Covid. I could be wrong ๐Ÿ˜

Special Tourist Visa (STV) can allow stays up to 9months but cannot be converted. This visa is available until Sept 2022, I believe.

Or you can enter on TR visa or exempt and try to convert to an ED/Non-B visa which could allow up to 12 months extension for that visa... depending if you find an employer or a school to attend.
Alex *******
@Tew **********
may I ask the reason volunteer visa is not an option??
Thao **********
@Alex ******
I never said that it wasn't an option. I just didn't mention Volunteer visa because it's a hit or miss.

Some NGOs that offer volunteer visas have postponed programs due to Covid 19, so they haven't been prepping the documents for volunteer visas for those that are abroad. But if you do your research, you may find an NGO or other organizations that could still help.

Again, it's a hit or a miss.

I know 1-2 schools have helped people get ED Visas from abroad. While Ed Extensions in-country are possible as schools/programs reopen, as the country improves.
Bethany *******
Following as wanting to stay long-term
Terary **********
@Beth ********
For what it is worth I did back-to-back tourist visas for a couple of years. I dont necessary recommend it but it did work for me. Also, I know people work as teachers without the proper paperwork (degree). You only need a college degree (I think) plus TEFL.

Finally, a lot of people take up the life of a professional scuba instructor as a form of employment. There is an upfront investment (time/money) but it may also be an option for you.
Chris ****
How long are wanting to stay?
Bethany *******
@W *********
I am looking for long-term. A couple years!
Chris ****
Bethany *******
Chris ****
@Beth ********
employment, education visa, Thailand elite.
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