What type of long-term visa should I apply for to live and work freelance in Thailand?

Oct 6, 2024
10 days ago
Cullen **********
hello folks!!! i do have my own freelance business (don't have my company setup yet), i wanna get long-term visa from thailand, live there while working from there

what type of visa should i apply for?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on which long-term visa to apply for in Thailand while running a freelance business. Community members recommend the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) as a suitable option, emphasizing that it allows for a stay of up to 180 days per year. Some participants suggest using visa agents for assistance, while others express caution about the associated costs. There are mentions of needing a Non B visa if engaging with Thai customers, and one humorous suggestion to marry a local.
SJ *******
Marry a local girl
Janelle *****
Dtv and use the soft power . Easiest one
Phil ******
@Cullen *********
Non b is you have thai customers
Ian *************
Save ya self a shit load of shit by going to visa agent
Alice ********
@Ian ************
we would love to use an agent but 3,000 US dollars is a little much. I'll take my chances and try myself. The best of luck to everybody. These are great visas if you're planning to stay in Thailand. ❣️
Ian *************
@Alice *******
use a different agent that's way to much
Alice ********
@Ian ************
thank you ❣️
Pete *******
@Ian ************
Ian *************
@Pete ******
trust me you will read crap loads on here and most of it is wrong and agents have people on the inside it takes them 10 minutes to do what takes you a month
Graham ******
@Ian ************
but you stay legal
Cullen **********
@Graham *****
@Brandon ***********
i just found about DTV, it says visa is for 5 years long and allows staying in thailand up to 180 days per year. how you manage it?
Brandon ************
@Cullen *********
it doesn't allow 180 days per year. It allows 180 days per entry, and you can enter an unlimited number of times during the 5 years the visa is valid.
Cullen **********
But once I enter, I need to get out of the country after 180days, even for a minute, then re-enter to refresh the stamp on my passport, right?
Christopher *************
@Cullen *********
don't forget tax resident after 180 days in thailand now as well , see how that unfolds
Brandon ************
@Cullen *********
or you can apply for a 180 day extension on each entry, so 360 days total. But no one knows how that will work yet because the visa is so new. Leaving and returning (all in the same day) is the surefire way for now.
Graham ******
Graham ******
Look up the Destination Thailand Visa on your local Thai Embassy website
Brandon ************
DTV as long as you don't have any Thai customers.
Neil ******
@Brandon ***********
or local customers who are of other nationalities as well.
Brandon ************
@Neil *****
Cannot do business with customers in Thailand.
Neil ******
@Brandon ***********
exactly. No customers in Thailand period. You know people are still doing it though. Same as on any other visa not allowing work. It's shameful and disgusting behavior.
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