What is the best water pump for a one-story house in Hua Hin to avoid water issues?

May 4, 2021
3 years ago
Another: “and everything else mystery”...

The water 💦 has been off at our house 🏡 all day today and I’m not sure if it’s just ours or everyone else’s too. This seems to be a recurring thing in Hua Hin compared to Pran Buri and north where we were staying. We have water buckets for these scenarios but I’m wondering about our water pump in this rental in general.

It appears to be a typical Thai bought Mitsubishi brand and I’m wondering if there’s anything better out there on the market for a one story 2bd/2bth house where Th e seaweed wouldn’t clog the lines. (I believe the “seaweed” is clogging the lines because that’s what I see in the garden hoses as I often replace them every 3-6m).

I know we’re S.O.L. 🤬 if the city pipes are broken and we try to use the pump to get water unless I don’t understand how pumps work very well 🤷🏾‍♂️ . However, there are times when the pump just doesn’t work even when our neighbors houses get water💧.

Question in a nutshell 🥜 is.... Is there a better water pump on the market we should be upgrading to to avoid not having water when we need it or is what we have right for our house? T.I.A. 🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An expat in Hua Hin is experiencing recurring water outages and seeks advice on upgrading their Mitsubishi water pump for a one-story, 2-bedroom house to avoid these issues. Community responses suggest considering the pump's specifications, the importance of a water storage tank to buffer against low city supply, and the potential for algae clogging hoses. Several users recommend specific pump models and emphasize ensuring proper maintenance and filtration to manage water quality.
Johnny ***************
You cannot be without a inline filter in you place in any place in Thailand!
Darren ***********

Best pump I have used.
Rollo ************************
Thank you all so much for educating me in an area I knew absolutely nothing about before. Believe you me, it will all get put to very good use. 🙏
Antonino *******
Antonino *******
Federico **********
Did i read in a comment reply that u DON'T have a water tank?

The pump u have is HITACHI; probably a GX series and im guessing a 200GX by the looks of it.

Which is enough for a 2 even a 3 story townhouse.

They r good and popular pumps but they are meant to work WITH a water tank.

The pump pumps more water/second than what it gets from the street. This will cause the pump to burn out eventually.

So the water tank has 2 purposes:

1- Store water in case there might be a disruption.

But most important:

2- Act as a buffer for the pump.

Easy example:

Lets say the pump pumps 50 liters a minute.

At times u MIGHT get that from the road.

But at times u might get 30. Especially in peak hours.

So if u ran the pump for 1 minute the level in the tank would decrease by the 20 liters u r short.

Definitely get a tank.

If u move a lot; get just a small one... There are some 300 liters ones for about 1000 baht.
Rollo ************************
@Federico *********
Thank you for educating me on this pump. This is a rental house so a storage tank is the landlords responsibility (unless it’s an underground one I’m not aware of as there is water under the house with a lid on it in my parking area) although he’s not the best landlord 🤷🏾‍♂️!! In any event you have educated me on this topic well and I certainly appreciate it come future endeavors. 🙏
Federico **********
@Rollo ***********************
I've been living on rental properties for over 10 years in TH.

"The landlord's responsibility" is a very relative term.

The landlord might say "what's the big deal... Not having water at times... Just wait"

What would u say to that.

It certainly isn't the roof coming down. So it is true that for SOME people it might not be a huge inconvenience.

Yet; for me; it would be incredibly annoying.

In the end u can't burden others with your own expectations or comfort standards.

So i decided that a 1k tank was worth me having water all the time. If i stay for 2 years, that's 40 baht a month. And that's assuming i will just leave the tank and forget about it. If u take it with u or resell it at that point at 50% its only cost u 20 baht a month to solve the problem.

Option B would've been to move out. Which requires weeks of packing; hiring a truck for the day; endless family fights out of being exhausted and stressed; etc etc.

The 1k solution was a no brainer honestly in my case.
Chris *********************
@Rollo ***********************
that could be your waste tank have you looked ??
Chris *********************
@Federico *********
sorry I miss read it
Chris *********************
Looks like you need a filter to
Chris *********************
@Federico *********
get a water tank
Federico **********
@Chris ********************
i have a tank 😂🤣

I was replying to the OP
Craig *******
Rollo, the green algae is from your hose pipe, when water is left in the line and out in the sun this happens.

Regards the pump, turn a tap on in the house, plug it in and you should hear it start trying to pump, if no water, remove the white outer case and there should be some kind of bleed screw on the water line, usually at the highest point on the pump. Unscrew this slowly and air should come out if it is air-locked, hope this helps.
Rollo ************************
@Craig ******
I’ve been doing it right then. My handyman’s has a look at it too so, it’s a head scratcher to both of us. I think the best idea is gonna be
@Alan ********
’s if we hang around another year or so.
David *********
The Mitsubishi pump is just fine. If you have contamination in the lines then the lines have to be cleaned. Or the source of the water is not good. You can also check your water tank. Maybe all the seaweed you have is inside the tank. Clean the tank if that is the case.
Alan *********
You need to install a water storage tank then have a constant supply of water to the pump.
Rollo ************************
@Alan ********
thank you for this. I hadn’t thought of it and it will be a great idea if we decide to stick around. 🙏
Tony ********
You must have a line coming into the tank from the nahm papa meter(Pranburiwater).This should feed your water tank.is this flowing freely?If so the pump should work as long as there's water in the tank.I have had a house in hua hin (hin lek fai)we do occasionally run out of water.what make of pump is it?If it's playing up the bosch makita shop on petcasem rd is good for repairs
Tony ********
@Tony *******
Mitsubishi are ok .I have also had hitachi.
Hector **********
Rollo ************************
@Hector *********
thanks for the rec but, can you elaborate on why you’re suggesting this pump. It would help a bundle— 😉
Jon ********
The "seaweed" is from the hose not the pump/water supply, it's the action of the sun on the water in the hosepipe creating green algae
Olivier *********
Before you plug it, purge it the air that might have come into the pump.
Olivier *********
Rollo ************************
@Olivier ********
sounds great but, how do you do that??? I usually take off and put back the pressure cap off the top after adding water and the single side hose which seems to have two pressure ends... is this what you mean?...
Steve *******
@Olivier ********
Yep, it needs bleeding or else it wont pump efficiently.
Michael ********
Whats litre per minute rating, should be on a little plate on outside of cover.

How many bathrooms you have ?

Are they upstairs or downstairs.

It actually looks same size as ours which does two houses no problem.
Danny ********
You have to plug it in for it to work...just trying to cheer you up, i know nothing about pumps but it looks the same as mine and i get clumps of seaweed also that come through the garden hose.
Rollo ************************
@Danny *******
Thanks Dan... You the man 😝 but, do you have probs with algae or seaweed suffering your pump from working adequately???
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