What happens if I forget to report my 90-day retirement visa?

May 2, 2022
2 years ago
Hi, just a question coz I don't have experience of this. I have a retirement visa and I forgot to go to the 90 days report. The 200thb fine for being late it's gonna grow up the longer I wait to go (2 months now) or it will remain the same amount? Thx
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user forgot to report their 90-day requirement for their retirement visa and is concerned about the potential increase of the 200 THB fine. Responses clarify that the fine is actually 2,000 THB, remains the same regardless of how long overdue, and can be paid when interacting with immigration. There are also suggestions to report sooner rather than later and anecdotes from other users about their experiences with reporting.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
John *********
Just get your arse there with a grovelling apology and a box of cakes.
Lisa ********************
You can do 90 day report online. Easy.
Francesco ****************
Not if you're late and you've to pay the fine
Tony *********
@Lisa *******************
not necessarily. I've been trying to do the online report for the last 8 years without success.
Lisa ********************
@Tony ********
new updated system now. Easy and fast. Important thing is to have your TM.30 registered.
Tony *********
@Lisa *******************
it worked for me about 8 years ago and then I traveled to the UK and came back and the next time I tried it it didn't work and it never has done since. When I mentioned it to an immigration office he just shrugged and laughed. The new system is also failing many people. It's hit and miss.
Lisa ********************
@Tony ********
you should give it a try. I did it on my phone and it was approved in about 5 hours.
Tony *********
@Lisa *******************
my address is registered with immigration. It always has been, for many years. I've lived here for 25 years.
Peter *********
Not understand why you miss and not go immigration when you realized ?
Francesco ****************
Moron, you are missing all the rest in your miserable life if all you have to do is wasting your useless time giving useless answers that none asked you. Go f..k yourself moron
Francesco ****************
Sometimes it is better to leave the doubt of being a bit of an idiot than to open your mouth and confirm it
Peter *********
@Francesco ***************
your the idiot for missing 90 day report lol 😆
Francesco ****************
You can't understand it coz I didn't say it. It was my bd and I forgot it. And now I'm bit pissed to waste 2000 for this coz I'm not in the best economical condition. Not sure that knowing my business can help you to give a useful answer though
Peter *********
@Francesco ***************
not sure how people on retirement visa can forget you have calender on phone just set a reminder easy 🤔
Chris *************
Went to ks immigration with 2 month overdue 90 day and was not charged
Francesco ****************
What if I wait for example other 3 months or more before to go? Still 2000?
Brandon ************
Stuart *********
If you’re late in Phuket they’ll ask if you want a receipt. If you do the fine is 2,000B. If not 1,000B. TIT.
Francesco ****************
I think it depends by the head officer. Useless say why
Francesco ****************
I'm in bkk unfortunately
Stuart *********
@Francesco ***************
Not sure if that works there.
Brandon ************
The fine is 2000â‚¿ not 200â‚¿, and it is the same no matter how long.

But just know you can report up to 7 days after your due date, so if it's not that far past go do it ASAP.

Otherwise just wait until your next interaction with immigration and get up to date and pay your fine then.
Francesco ****************
Yeah 2000thb, typo. Thx mate
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