Should I use a 30-day Exemption and extend in Thailand or apply for a 60-day TR visa in Australia for my trip?

February 7, 2022
3 years ago
Darren *********
Looking to spend up to 12 months in Thailand, travelling from Australia in March 2022. Would I be better to come into Thailand on the standard 30-day Exemption and then extend to 60 days while there OR apply for the 60-day TR visa in Australia and extend for 30 days while in Thailand?

Also, I believe you can only apply for an Education visa now while in Thailand. Are they difficult to get and how long do they give you?

My other option is to apply for the 90-day (2 x extensions) STV visa. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is inquiring about the best visa option for spending up to 12 months in Thailand, considering options like entering with a 30-day exemption that can be extended or applying for a 60-day TR visa from Australia. They also question the difficulty and requirements for acquiring an Education visa and mention the STV visa as another possibility. The community provides insights on visa processes, suggesting that Education visas can be obtained while in Thailand, and offering alternatives for booking accommodation for the STV visa.
Hanzi **************
I will do the STV 90day++ at Canberra Embassy soon. The only stumbling block is accomodation for 90 days I find. If travelling around, how can they ask you to book the 90days in one place? Weird. I got around that, as my girlfriend's son owns a unit which I will rent. The money I send is just my spending money, all good.
Darren *********
@Hanzi *************
you can book a hotel for 90 days that has a cancellation policy. Once your STV visa is approved, cancel the hotel.
John *******
Try contacting a major University during the summer break or after this semester ends in March. They take care of you plus u can learn Thai. You may end up with half the girls chasi g u around all day.
Darren *********
@John ******
haha. Great advice. Thanks.
Carol ********

Some of friends do this, they say the uni was very helpful in sorting out visas which they did in country
Traceys *********
Zap **********
If you come in 30 day exempt you can extend 30 days for 1900 baht but believe the 60 day or STV has to be done in advance. 60 day you can extend I believe 30 as well. There are many language schools just do a search by area you are staying and perhaps contact a few for ED Visa details. I believe many offer 3,6,12 month programs.
Zap **********
You might get some good suggestions on here too for E language school based on your desired location.
Darren *********
@Michelle ***********
yes. Thank you.
Darren *********
@Michelle ***********
Thanks Michelle, much appreciated.
Garrett ***********
You can get an Ed visa outside Thailand, but has to be from a university. Chiang Mai university has a Thai Language program that's about 32k a year, you have to attend class twice a week. Under the table Ed visas issued in country are around 45k-50k baht.
Darren *********
@Garrett **********
good to know, thanks. Are the under the table ones legit? I wouldn't want to do anything illegal.
Garrett ***********
Yeah they're ligit, just from schools that you pay more so you don't have to attend. Like the volunteer visas that you don't have to volunteer at.
Darren *********
@Garrett **********
that’s really good to know. Thanks Garrett. I appreciate your advice. Cheers.
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