How long does it usually take to drive from Phang Nga to Phuket given recent travel restrictions?

May 10, 2020
4 years ago
Michelle ***********
Has anyone driven from Phang gna province to Phuket in the last few days? We have a flight booked out of Phuket on May 16 and wonder how long we might expect the drive.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Driving from Phang Nga to Phuket typically takes about 1.5 hours, but this may vary due to current COVID-19 checks and restrictions. Potential travelers are advised to confirm if the provincial border is open and if Phuket airport is operational, as there have been restrictions and closures in the past. It's also suggested to consult local sources and use maps for real-time updates.
Dan ************
From what I’ve heard the border into Phuket is closed. Lots of people have been leaving since it reopened on May 1st but they’ve been reminded that if they leave they can’t come back until the border is officially reopened.
Chantal **************
I thought Phuket airport was closed for all flights except repratriated flights
Reiner *********
Check first the airline....if you have a. Boarding pass may be ...but crazy to book.....the closure is till now 15. But as infections come back.......
Alan *******
Check with somebody local to make sure the provincial border is open. It was closed for quarantine at some point last month.

The length of the drive depends, of course, on what part of the province you are coming from. Why not just use Google maps.
Garrett ***********
Never heard of it
John *******
If you mean Phang Nga then not far. About 1 and a half hours to the airport normally but could be longer with checks. Are you sure you mean Phang Nga? There are a lot of Phangs in Thailand.
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