How can my daughter determine the duration of her stay in an AQ hotel in Thailand?

December 31, 2021
3 years ago
Claire ********
After some clarity! My daughter is travelling to Thailand in January from the UK under the AQ scheme. On the Thai Embassy website it says you stay in an approved hotel for 7/10/14 days. How do you know how long you have to stay in the AQ hotel for? Thanks for any help with this
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The duration of your daughter's stay in an Approved Quarantine (AQ) hotel in Thailand depends on her vaccination status. If she is fully vaccinated, she will need to quarantine for 7 days. If she has received one vaccine, it will be 10 days, and for those who are unvaccinated, the quarantine will last 14 days. Additionally, there is a possibility to enter through the Phuket Sandbox program, allowing for a 7-day stay in Phuket without further restrictions.
Yuri ***********
4 January new up date entry!
Mitchell *******
If her plans are flexible, she should try the Phuket Sandbox as someone else mentioned. 7 days of roaming a tropical island is not a bad way to quarantine. Trust me.
Mike *****
If you fully vaccinated it's 7 days.If not vacinated it's 10 days..The 14 days is for countries on Thailands so called red list.
Baron *********
7 days double vaxed, 10 days 1 vax and 14 days no vax is my guess. She could also apply to travel to Phuket first and stay 7 days and be allowed to travel around Phuket without quarantine as I understand.
Darren *******
@Baron ********
only if fully vaccinated, unless that requirement has also changed
Darren *******
Is she fully vaccinated? If so, 7 days, if not 10 days.
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