Does the 800,000 baht requirement for a long-term Thai visa need to be in a savings account or can it be in an investment account?

August 24, 2024
a month ago
Joe ********
Does anyone know if the 800,000 baht needed to meet the long term visa requirement needs to be a saving’s/checking account or can it be put into an investment account?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The 800,000 baht required for Thailand's long-term visa must be in an account with instant access, such as a savings account. Investment accounts do not meet this requirement. Many users recommend specific savings accounts that provide instant access, and mention that some agents may offer alternative solutions.
Peter *********
Savings instant access account
Michael *******
@Peter ********
SCB Easi pass 2.5%
Sum *****
@Michael ******
2.5% thai baht 1 year time deposit ?
Michael *******
@Sum ****
no, instant access, otherwise immig won’t accept it
Sum *****
@Michael ******
2.5% interest sounds ok, kasikorn is lower
Michael *******
@Sum ****
yip used the for 3 years , be sure to ask for Easi Pass account all online no passbook either
Tim ********
Or use and agent they can bend the 800k rules shall we say
Joe ********
@Tim *******
it’s probably not worth risking it for 1500-2000 a year. I keep a large balance anyway but figured I park it and never touch it so might as well let it work it a little
Michael *******
Getting kicked out if Agent screws up let’s not forget the Ed visa fiasco which many thought would never happen……I know several people who got deported and banned
Stuart ***********
@Michael ******
also the immigration officer can be investigated and if he's caught, all of the visas he issued incorrectly are cancelled and the individuals are then leaving Thailand. I have seen several posts over the past 2 years where this has happened, so it does happen.
Michael *******
I also don’t like letting my passport out of my sight, never leaves my safe or travel pouch - handing it over to third parties is always a risk especially if they are engaged in corrupt practices.
Carlos *********
@Joe *******
risking what???
Jeffrey ************
Must be instantly available.
Joe ********
Graham ******
An account with instant access such as a savings account
Vijay *****
@Graham *****
....does it have to be in a fixed deposit account CD, or regular checking works ...LTR
Joe ********
@Graham *****
so a high interest account that you can acess within 24 hrs is not an option I guess

Bob **********
@Joe *******
where are you going to find a high interest account??
Joe ********
Michael *******
@Joe *******
SCB pays 2.5 % on their Easi pass savings account
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