Do I need to verify a parental letter of consent for my Thai daughter's passport application in Thailand?

March 6, 2022
3 years ago
Pete *********
Hi all

I was wondering if I could get any advice on here in relation to a parental letter of consent, please.

We are in the process of obtaining a visa for my long-term Thai GF to come to the UK with our daughter (3 years old) My daughter was born in Thailand with me also named as the father on her Birth Certificate. She already has a UK passport but we are applying for her Thai passport in addition. I have been asked to provide a Letter of Consent to allow my GF to apply for our daughter's passport in Thailand and I have managed to download this from the Thai Embassy website, however, I cannot seem to get a straight answer in relation to the verification of the document. Do I need to get the document verified by the Thai embassy before I send it over to Thailand? Or is there another verification of the document required?

It's all very confusing and I would sincerely appreciate it if someone has knowledge of the process. I am in the UK.

Many thanks
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking clarification on whether a parental letter of consent for their Thai daughter’s passport application in Thailand needs to be verified by the Thai embassy or not. They mention that while they downloaded the necessary form, there is confusion regarding the verification process. Commenters provide various insights, indicating that a notarization of the document may be adequate, emphasize that the daughter’s mother is responsible for the passport application, and clarify that, as her father, the user may not have rights in this process unless married or legitimized through court.
Stuart **********
No letter of consent is required, your daughter is a Thai citizen and her mother has all the parental rights in Thailand. She just needs to take the birth certificate to her local passport issuing office and the

Thai passport will be issued there and then. Having your name on a Thai birth certificate actually means nothing and you only have paternal rights if you were married at the time of birth or you have legitimised paternity through a Thai court 👍 Either way the issuance of a Thai passport to your daughter doesn't involve you in any way, it's her entitlement as a Thai citizen due to the fact that her mother is Thai
Pete *********
@Stuart *********
With respect we have been told by the Thai passport office that the letter of consent is required because I am on her birth certificate. That’s the exact reason why the consent letter is requested. Your information about maternal rights is also incorrect. But thanks for the input.
Stuart **********
Pete Collins I mention these points to you because it is important that you understand that at this point of time you don't have any rights whatsoever over your child and the mother can choose to do as she wants. She may or may not be aware of that but you should certainly do your research if you consider having paternal rights important
Stuart **********
@Pete ********
here is a screenshot from the Siam legal website which confirms my point regarding rights
Stuart **********
@Pete ********
untrue, I and many friends have had Thai passports issued to our Thai children here in Phuket with our names on the birth cert. The mother just needs to walk into the passport office with the birth cert, her ID card and her tabian baan. This advice is accurate and true from experience. You are at will to take it or leave it. With regards your comment on maternal rights I have been through the process and you would be wise to do your research, having your name on a birth cert in Thailand gives you no rights whatsoever. Again this is sound and accurate advice
Pete *********
@Stuart *********
ok thanks Stuart. Taken on board.

The problem is I get different information everywhere I turn.
Stuart **********
@Pete ********
I have been through the process and happy to offer accurate advice on the matter if needed 👍
Pete *********
@Stuart *********
Thanks Stuart


There are no issues in regards to our relationship etc, Both the GF and my daughter are coming to the uk

Thanks for the info - comments appreciated
John *******
The daughter​'s mother must apply for your daughter'​s passport and id in Thailand. Not you.
Pete *********
@John ******
Hi John, yes absolutely, we are aware of that hence the letter of consent requirement from me. I will need to send this letter to enable my Thai GF to apply in Thailand. The issue is just the verification requirements on the actual letter of consent itself.. It's all a bit grey 🤯
Mark ******
@Pete ********
for what it’s worth, my daughter also got her Thai passport with no input from me. Her mother is Thai, I’m Australian, my name is on her birth certificate and we weren’t married at the time. This happened several years ago, so maybe the regulations have changed?
John *******
@Pete ********
My not officially married wife did not need a letter of consent from me. Do not mention to them that she has a British passport. I just asked her.
Pete *********
@John ******
Hi John. Yes, we won't mention that she has a UK passport. The issue is that my name is on her birth cert and they say they require this letter of consent for her Thai Passport application I'm just querying the verification of the actual letter before I send it.
John *******
@Pete ********
My name is on my daughter's Thai birth certificate wriyten Thai even and I did not have to provide my consent.
Kool *******
I would think, but I might be wrong, that you just need the document notarized when you sign it, that especially verifies it is you that signed it.
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