Can I submit multiple applications for the Thailand Pass after a rejection?

December 17, 2021
3 years ago
Katie ******
Hey everyone me again. My first Thailand pass application was rejected. I think perhaps I had not presented the documents in the right way. I only have 7 days now before I fly. Can I submit more than one application (with information presented slightly differently) and then just hope one of them gets approved? Or can you only apply for one at any one time? Thanks
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquired about the possibility of submitting multiple applications for the Thailand Pass after their initial application was rejected, fearing improper presentation of documents. Respondents confirmed that it is permissible to apply multiple times, as new applications generally supersede previous ones, provided all documentation is correctly presented. There are also guidelines to ensure applications are successful, including the suggestion to include a vaccine QR code if available. However, caution is advised, as applying too frequently may result in a temporary ban on submitting new applications.
Katie ******
Thanks everyone got approval now!
Rob **********
You can be rejected to apply for at least 2 months when you apply too many times. They send emails out about that. So be careful with that.
Josh ***********
If you can it’s best to apply with the vaccine QR code. Myself and several people in this group got approved within a few minutes of submitting .
Mick *********
I did my application last month and when I did something wrong it would tell me and then I would do it right. You should be getting directions all the way through if you are doing something wrong.
Myron **********
@Mick ********
maybe some people are experiencing this but I certainly am not this has been the most frustrating protest I have ever been involved in I have been probably 40 hours and many attempts and I'm doing it right but their software is garbage
Scott *******
Did it not say where you went wrong. Seemingly any new applications supersede previous. So I do not see any point in applying more than once. Saying that, some have had several accepted.
Mohammad ************
You can apply more than one time, make sure the documents are the right ones, if you booked the pcr test from a website you can add the confirmation of paid pcr test at the end there is additional attachment section
Adam ********
@Mohammad ***********
you clearly don’t know what your taking about, the rt pcr test needs to be taken 72 hours before departure and a rt pcr test on arrival in Bangkok, how could you possibly put the rt pcr you have on arrival in Thailand on your Thailand pass
Mohammad ************
@Adam *******
it is called test & go, you arrive at the airport, test, have your one night at an approved SHA+ hotel until the test is done. You need to present a proof of payment for this test, not the test result it self, alternatively you can have an SHA++ hotel which fees includes the testing as those hotels have partnerships with clinics or hospitals. my friend need to go read the rules another day maybe today you are a little cloudy, it took me a lot of will to teach you and you are confusing other people. I just came a week ago and my friend came with me. I know what I'm talking about.
Adam ********
@Mohammad ***********
then write test and go sha plus + hotel and not bang on about a pcr test and then everyone will be on the same page. Your comments are just confusing everything
Mohammad ************
@Adam *******
you don't know the cues because you haven't done so, my original comment clearly says "if you book your pcr test from a website you can add the CONFIRMATION of paid pcr test..."

You get the confirmation after you book and pay for your test. No one mentioned any test results is needed at this point.
Michele *******
@Mohammad ***********
hello ! Is it the same for the visa application ? Can I add some documents at the end ?
Mohammad ************
@Michele ******
no idea about the visa, I'm on re-entry permit so haven't applied.
Adam ********
@Mohammad ***********
the Thailand pass doesn’t need a pcr test uploading to be granted the Thailand pass
Mohammad ************
@Adam *******
my friend got rejected for that. The pass doesn't have a section to upload it but mine got thru and his got rejected stating the reason that PCR-Test is needed, he uploaded it again and got approved.
Adam ********
@Mohammad ***********
that’s isn’t true, you’ll only require a pcr test within 72 hours of departure so unless your waiting 72 hours before your departure to complete the Thailand pass that isn’t going to work
Mohammad ************
@Adam *******
Paid PCR-TEST for your arrival in Thailand is what my friend got rejected for. I can show you a screen shot of the rejection email from TP if you are still skeptical. Again I didn't upload mine and got thru, my friend got rejected and had to do it again with a paid PCR-TEST on arrival at the additional documents section in TP.
Adam ********
@Mohammad ***********
I can only think it was a one off glitch/error. I haven’t heard of anyone else’s getting rejected for that reason because you don’t need it for the Thailand pass, only to board the airplane at your country of origin, transit country and once’s your arrive at Bangkok or Phuket airport
Mohammad ************
@Adam *******
did you get the part that this is the PCR-TEST you need to take on ARRIVAL in Thailand? Not the one for departure from your own country.
Olga **********
Yes can apply several times, no problem
Michael ********
Apply again read through testandgo topics make sure you got it all right jpegs etc etc.

I found better keep pen and paper handy,write list
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