thai bank account regulations

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the Thai bank account regulations tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with Thai bank account regulations. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jun 8, 2022
3 years ago
Jim *******
I am going to change my Retirement extension next month from over ฿800,000 in my bank account to transferring over ฿65,000 per month from abroad.

Can I then use the ฿800,000 right away or does it still have to sit in my account for a period of time?
Dec 22, 2021
3 years ago
Sammi *********
Hello- I’m looking for ideas about my retirement visa plan to see if I understand things correctly and to make sure I don’t miss any important steps. I am over 50 and wish to retire in Thailand. I do not want to keep 800k Baht in a Thai bank account. I would prefer to keep my money in a US bank and then switch to O-A when I have a 12 month history of 65k Baht transfers.

I am in Thailand presently on an education visa. My thought is to get a Thai bank and start having monthly deposits from my retirement account transferred over for year. During that time, I have a planned return to the US and will apply for a O retirement visa there that I will return to Thailand with and do extensions etc until I have a 12 month history of deposits to Thai account. Then I will switch over to O-A. I like the sound of the O-A long term versus the O because I don’t want to have to return to the US every year to reapply for a new O visa.

Is there anything wrong with this possible plan? I admit being confused by the visa/extension lingo but do know that 90 day reporting is needed either way, as well as a monetary obligation. Also, does it matter that my 65k transfers are from a retirement account and not government issue? I have full coverage health insurance already so that requirement is not a problem.

Thank you!
Jan 19, 2019
6 years ago
Jim **********
hi my question is this, I have ben in thailand for almost 4 years and married to a great lady and we have two sons one hers and one ours, we are building a home and have a new car so you can see we are tired together us and Thailand. now that the USA will not ok what i make from USA the Thailand law states $800,000 or $400,000 in THB in a Thai bank account will keep me here with my family or do you know an other way please help if you can or heard something that can help us please
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