Will a 3-month return ticket cause issues if I enter Thailand without a visa?

November 26, 2023
10 months ago
Terry *******
hi there, i am from the uk and want to buy a return flight to thailand, but with a 3 month stay, but plan to visit other countries while im there, would the 3 month return date, cause any issues without having a visa ! Thanks….
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user from the UK is planning a trip to Thailand for 3 months while also visiting other countries. They are concerned about the validity of a 3-month return ticket without a visa. Responses suggest that while a 3-month return ticket may not cause issues, it is crucial to have an onward or exit ticket booked within the 30-day allowance after entering Thailand visa exempt. Travelers should be prepared to show proof of onward travel, sufficient funds, and accommodation if asked by immigration or airlines. Many shared personal experiences, indicating that while problems are rare, it's wise to be prepared in case they arise.
Harsimran *******
when you exit thailand and enter new country and after that you enter again thailand you will get new visa entry
Brown ********
No you'll be fine
Louis ***********
Just flown in yesterday with a one way ticket from Heathrow, no questions asked
Sue **********
Pre-Book your ticket for within the 30days of arrival to one of the other countries you plan to visit.
Michelle *************
If you stay in Thailand for 3 months you get 60day evisa and exstend 30days at imigration. If you plan on leaving make sure you book exit flights to show on entry and dont over stay 30days at a time. Common mistake is not all months are 30 days.
Mick *********
Just a heads up.

It's looking increasingly likely the Thai Immigration are going to extend the visa exemption to 90 days.

Don't know when or for how long it will last.
Ruth *******
Do not listen to all the stories from people saying, “I’ve never had a problem…”. I’ve never had one either. However, I’ve also been in this group for years and have seen the frantic posts from people denied boarding or entry. Fifty people may sail through with no problems. Do you want to be the fifty-first? Be prepared. You asked for a reason.
Mark **********
I think your be ok , I came here with a return flight for next June back in August , I have the retirement visa now , but no one said or asked any questions at all , that’s not to say they won’t of course but I wouldn’t worry too much .

I flew with Turkish in case you’re wondering, safe travels
Judit ********
You will not have any problem with your return flight ticket. I have a 5 months return ticket and I have a 60 days tourist visa. It will be your choice that you will applied a visa extension after 60 days or you will leave Thailand and you will come back.
John *******
You can be refused boarding it does happen and I have been asked myself over The last few years

One way ticket with no onward evidence and no suitable visa
Charlie ********
If asked by immigration upon entry you are supposed to be able to show your onward ticket within 30 days if entering visa exempt. ( 60 days if on a tourist visa) you should also carry with you 20,000 Thai baht in cash to show you can support yourself and proof of your accommodation whilst in Thailand. I’ve entered Thailand by air 10 times in the last 2 years ( never by land) I’ve entered 9 times visa exempt. (5 times so far this year) I’ve never been asked by any airline to show onward travel but accept it could happen. I’ve never been asked by immigration to show my money or proof of accommodation ( I’ve always had it with me) but I’ve been asked twice by immigration to show an onward travel ticket. Once in Bangkok and once in Phuket so it can happen. Just my experience over the last two years. If you have never been to Thailand before I think it highly unlikely immigration will ask you for anything.
Terry *******
So it would be better of for me to get a one way ticket then, don’t bother with a return initially
Charlie ********
@Terry ******
, nothing wrong with your return ticket being 3 months after arrival , but you could be asked to show a return ticket that is within 30 days ( very unlikely if you’ve not been before) there are loads of ways to show this, plan one of your visits to another country and book your fight out within 30 days, buy a bus ticket out within 30 days ( negligible cost) or there are sites where you can book an onward travel ticket but not actually buy it. ( I usually do this) Google “onward travel ticket” costs about £10. But do bear in mind your airline could ask you to show onward travel within 30 days. Mine never has and I’ve used Etihad, Qatar , Singapore, Emerites, Thai air , BA and EVA Air .
Ruth *******
@Charlie *******
for whatever odd reason, they don’t accept bus tickets. One could also search Google for “onward ticket” for other options”.
Terry *******
Thank you! 😊🙏
Terry *******
Thank you 🙏
Cliff *********
Take a trip to another country before day 31, return and get another 30 days, etc.

Have a ticket booked out of Thailand for country #1 to show your airline and immigration if you are asked. Do the same for each segment of your trip.

You should have your ticket back to UK for the last segment.

Bangkok is a very good hub for visiting all the neighboring countries.
Terry *******
Thank you for your reply, so my plan was to buy a return ticket from the uk with a 3 month return date, also buy a onward ticket before 30 days, so I would get 30 days on arrival, 30 days again from my 1st trip plus one boarder run for another 30 giving me 90 days total, and use my return ticket (3 month return ticket) for my departure, if that makes sense!
Terry *******
Yes thank you,
Brandon ************
Ask your airline. They're the only ones who realistically may ask for proof that you're leaving Thailand within 30 days if you fly without a visa.

You can also just plan one of your trips outside the country and buy the ticket and use that as proof.
Gary ******
I have flown into Thailand 3 times with a one way ticket
Ricky ******
@Gary *****
Qatar queried a lack of a return ticket once when I flew on a 60 day visa from LHR. I said it wasn't a requirement and they accepted it.
Simon *********
@Gary *****
what airline did you use?
Gary ******
Or Qatar
Gary ******
@Simon ********
thai and eva
Simon *********
@Gary *****
ahh cheers 👍
Terry *******
cool mate, I just wanted to know if I could buy a return ticket with a 3 month return date, I realise I would have to leave before 30 days ,! I’m not making much sense am I lol
Robin ********
@Terry ******
Its a risk mate , if anyone is in a bad mood could screw you . There is a site where you can book a fake ticket . You get a real e ticket , cost is peanuts . You'll have to google round for the site i've lost it .
Brian ********
You will need a on-ward flight to prove you are going to travel and not stay longer then one month. You can check out onward ticket.com should you wish to stay longer then one month
Terry *******
I would get a onward ticket while I am there, before month 1
Ruth *******
@Terry ******
you may or may not be asked. I’m often not. However, if you are, the airline will not permit you to board. Brian is simply warning you.
Brian ********
@Terry ******
I think the Airline in your country where you fly from will want to see that onward ticket before you board the plane. However you can take a chance I can’t see you having any problems at Thai immigration good luck anyway
Lynnette *******
You're staying 3 months without a break? Then going to other countries?
Terry *******
@Lynnette ******
no a break, just before month 1
Terry *******
Thank you, yes I suppose I am going for 1 month, but have a return ticket for the end of month 3
Lynnette *******
@Terry ******
so you're not going for 3 months. You're going for 1. You get 30 days without a visa on entry. Each time you enter. 2 times allowed by land per year. More by air. And those can be extended by 30 days at immigration.
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