What are the limitations and rules for staying in Thailand on a tourist visa?

September 26, 2018
6 years ago
Dear VISA experts!

I want to come back to Thailand with 30 days tourist visa and 30 days extension.

This year I have already had 5 entries to Thailand as a tourist for in total 219 calender days.

I heard about a 9 month limitation for tourist per calender year. Do you know details? How to calculate 9 months? Is it 30 days x 9 = 270 or different? What happens if I have my 30 days visa extension and stay longer? Is it really a official rule 9 months? Where can I look it up? Can I still pay a fee for overstay of a few days and come back? I it possible to use the 30 days extension up to day 279 and come back to Thailand next year without a problem?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the intent to visit Thailand on a tourist visa with a 30-day stay and a possible 30-day extension. The author expresses concerns regarding the 9-month stay limit allowed within a calendar year, the calculations surrounding this period, and the implications of overstaying. They also inquire about the implications of repeated entries, the necessity for proof of funds upon arrival, and potential questioning by immigration officials due to the frequency of visits.
Tod *********
First off there is NO such thing as a 30 day tourist visa :/ If you showed up here without having bought a visa from a thai consulate before hand and you were stamped in for free it would be on a 30 day visa exempt entry stamp.

Be that as it may,.

There is no way to extend a 30 day visa exempt entry or a 60 day tourist visa entry for 30 days more than once per entry.

I'd say your best bet would be to go back to your country and get a 6 month METV <- which would give you almost 9 months of stay (in 60 day increments).
Tod *********
then you are going to run the risk of getting questioned when you stamp into the country, and possibly being denied entry to the country IF the immigration officers want to.
Amritesha ***********************
...which I will do next year, but not now on short term.
Joe ***********
You're playing a dice game with a country that has been advancing a systematic program for 3 years straight to limit and deny back to back stays using Exemption Entries and Tourist Visas to basically live in Thailand. Are you not aware Thailand does not want you to stay in Thailand using the methods you are trying to use? ... At a pace of about every 3 to 6 months the limits are purposely tightened. My prediction ...In about about another 9 months to one year - under age 50 people staying in Thailand for more than 60 days a year on SETV and Exemption Entries will come to halt. My Opinion... based on close observation over about a continuous 5 years.
Robert *******
this is only for those with rose tinted glasses. We all know better, Thai Police can not handle a computer, Immigration never heard of a database and the Thai Ministry of Foreign affairs, boss of the Thai Consulates and Embassies just learned how to use smoke signals to communicate. It will take at least another 10 year before the fisrt pigeon is delevering a message to an Embassy. Digital Thailand not in our or our grand childrens life time. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ»
Ron *******
I believe it's coming with the Embassys and consulates moving too Digital applications for visas.

Apparently they all have to be switched over by the end of 2019.
James ********
@Joe **********
rightfully so.
Joe ***********
In one way or another the Thai Govt. has annouced it...
James ********
@Joe **********
you are correct. The days of multiple visa and entry abuse is coming to a close.
Amritesha ***********************
And do you know how it might be possible to extent a 30 days visa on arrival TWO times to eventually stay three months in a row (no time left for a longer visa or visa run)
Robert *******
@James *******
You mean he is doing a prohibited job for foreigners without a work permit and correct visa? Sometimes privacy settings on Facebook get in handy.
James ********
@Robert ******
yes. But massage is a restricted job for Thais only.
Robert *******
And playing the devils advocate: It should be better to obtain a Work Permit and the Non Immigrant B Visa.
Robert *******
First of all there is NO 30 days visa on arrival, it is called the Visa Exempt Entry. You can only extend this once with 30 days, than leave to country and come back for a new 30 day Visa Exempt Entry.
Robert *******
On the BKK airports and the Malaysian Border they want to se 20.000 Thb or equivelant currency in CASH. The can also ask for proof of accommodation and onward travel, the bigger your history of staying in Thailand using Visa Exempt Entry and Tourist visa is the more chance to get questioned. Be prepared.
Ɓlvaro **********
Thank you so much Robert and Tod, good to know bc I thought it was the same in all ports and I was going to carry only 10K šŸ˜–
Tod *********
@Ɓlvaro *********
no matter what the actual rule states, at DMK and Suvarnabhumi IF you're flying in on a 30 day visa exempt entry and are asked for proof of funds it's 20K baht cash.
Robert *******
BKK airports want to see if asked 20K.
Ɓlvaro **********
In fact I replied to Robert's post because I wanted to know if I need the 20K with exempt in DMK or if it's needed only 10K as the Act states, because I am not sure if Robert was referring to TV or to any entry via Bangkok...
Ron *******
@Ɓlvaro *********
please note what Robert has written above your post.
Ɓlvaro **********
AFAIK it's 10K for exempt according to the Alien Act, but so many comments regarding 20K make me doubt šŸ˜”
Ron *******
@Ɓlvaro *********
pay attention ffs!
Ɓlvaro **********
20K for TV, 10K for exempt, right? I'm entering through DMK and need to be sure about how much cash carry šŸ˜…
Amritesha ***********************
Oh i think i have this rest money already in my pocket šŸ˜‰
Amritesha ***********************
Thank you for all these helpful answers! šŸ™
Jason ***********
Amritesha ***********************
So this is no fee to pay, just to show I can buy my accommodation and food, right?
Jason ***********
It doesnā€™t have to be baht either. It could be the equivalent of 10k.
Jason ***********
Be prepared to show an onward ticket and 10k baht.
Ray *****
Adam Darrah: If itā€™s a visa exemption itā€™s 10k. A tourist visa is 20k. I think its the other way around
Jason ***********
Adam Darrah: If itā€™s a visa exemption itā€™s 10k. A tourist visa is 20k.
James ********
@Jason **********
is the amount 10,000 or 20,000 Thai baht ?
Jason ***********
@Amritesha **********************
: Sorry I meant 10k. Itā€™s one of the requirements to enter Thailand. It isnā€™t enforced most of the time. But when they think youā€™re not a real tourist, they will find reasons to not admit you.
Squid ****
To prove you are not a poor degenerate. Requirements for entry to thailand.
Amritesha ***********************
20k what for?
Squid ****
There is no limit on tourist visas or air entries, nor any limit of any kind on time in Thailand. That said, you can expect hassles and questioning eventually from immigration.
Lloyd ********
There is no 180 day in any year rule any more. HOWEVER, as this will be your 6th visa exempt entry, expect to be flagged for questioning about how you support yourself here.
Amritesha ***********************
@James *******
thank you !
James ********
@Amritesha **********************
money with you. Bank statements not accepted at Thai Immigration upon arrival.
Amritesha ***********************
How can I answer this question? Show bank account or show I have enough money with me?
James ********
Why not get a tourist visa from a Thai Consulate or Embassy in your home country ? Questioning by Thai Immigration at the airport about your repeated entries may occur. With or without a Thai visa. See recent postings from those questioned.
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