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Is vaping legal in Thailand?

May 16, 2022
3 years ago
Maureen *******
Can you vape In Thailand?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Vaping is illegal in Thailand, and although many people, including locals and foreigners, do it without facing consequences, there is a risk of fines if caught. The law surrounding vaping includes hefty fines, potentially reaching as high as 50,000 baht. While enforcement may be lax in many areas, it is advised to be cautious as the local authorities can enforce these laws unpredictably. Several users shared experiences of being fined or witnessing others being penalized, while others noted that vaping is commonly seen despite the legal restrictions.
Terry ********
However you want to interpret it, it’s a stupid law. Vaping is much less destructive to your health than the cigarettes that are completely legal.
John ****************
@Terry *******
law is law..
Terry ********
@John ***************
that’s quite a brilliant comment. Have any more?
John ****************
@Terry *******
yes like yours... Same. Level..
Pinaki *****
Yes u can just keep the bribe handy
Bizkit ******
It's illegal there but they're selling it anyway !
Bruce *********
@Billy *****
I never understood why it's illegal yet stores continue to sell them.
Jimmy ******
@Bruce ********
those stores pay bribes to the police to stay open. I've seen it and spoke with the guys selling them.
Shaun *********
Bob *******
Michael **************
Caleb ***************
Ryan ***********
Rob **********
It is officially illegal to vape in Thailand, but that said a lot of people do it.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
Yeah I'm wasting time.

You've just sent me 5 comments because I didn't argue my point in a way that is acceptable to you, on a subject that you don't care about.

Weird much.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
Actually I offered a way for you to stop arguing completely by just posting a link to the law.

Just tired of seeing ignorant know it all douchbags like you running rampant in the group when you literallly could have just posted the information and walked away.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
The law doesn't mean anything without the interpretation. That's precisely what I've been saying.

The interpretations of the law would still differ any therefore the posting of the physical law is redundant. It doesn't stop the difference in opinion.

Maybe go and live in North Korea if you have a problem with people having debate about something. Seems more your vibe.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
But your interpretation of it is worth zero. Opinions and interpretations are like assholes - everyone’s got one. In that context, the text of the law means everything.

It’s only redundant if you consider your interpretation of the law as the end all be all opinion - and no different from the law itself.

Which brings me to my original point that this is an exercise of your ego.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
That's most ridiculous statement that I've ever heard. The text of law means nothing, it's how it is applied in practices that's important.

Say a law is written as.

"Stealing is against the law, anyone who steals will be punished"

What is more important there?

The text of the law..

Or what the judge interprets 'punished' to mean?

It could mean a $10 fine, it could mean your hand being cut off.

Besides the fact, I never claimed that my opinion meant anything in the actual scheme of things. Apparently giving your opinion on anything is pointless and if you give your opinion, it means you have a big ego.

You've just chosen to attack me for no particular reason whatsoever.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
‘The text of the law means nothing’.

I’m done here. You’re a joke.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
Read above. Honestly, one of the strangest exchanges I have ever had online. You should be looking for a hobby or something to occupy your time better.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
yep seemed a pretty weird exchange, without him offering a concrete opinion on anything.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
You should be looking for a therapist to help manage that ego. Nobody gives a F what your opinion is. Nobody. You’re better off posting the law and going away.
Heinrieke *****
@Bruno *******
wrong - I actually do!

Your write-up was quite entertaining too - so, thanks for that!
Bruno ********
@Hɘin ******
what are you talking about? Still learning how to use Facebook? I didn’t tag you anywhere.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
I'll share details if I find a good one. psycho. 😂
Thomas *************************
@Rob *********
It’s not illegal to vape. The importation and sale of vaping devices and liquid is illegal.

If you’ve been able to purchase the product in Thailand and can prove it, technically you can’t be prosecuted for it.

How that would work in practice I am not sure, but I know at least 3 or 4 websites that you can buy from and they post to your home.
Heinrieke *****
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
@Rob *********
Instead of going back and forth on interpretations of the law, why don’t you just link the law. 👍🏼
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
I'm not your search engine bro. Feel free to find it a interpret it yourself.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
I personally don’t care. But you’re wasting your time with like a dozen comments when you could just link the law. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
Laws isn't black and white and open to interpretation, especially in Thailand. Even in court it all would depend on what the judge thinks the law actually covers and what their definition of it is. That's what we're discussing
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
Yeah no shit. But you’re giving your interpretation of said law which is entirely subjective. So why not just post a link to the law?
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
Because I know the law. Why do I need to post it? If you want to interpret it you can Google it mate.
Bruno ********
@Thomas ************************
You *think* you know the law. The reality is that opinion counts for precisely zero. Just link the stupid law instead of using it as an exercise in ego.
Thomas *************************
@Bruno *******
I know what the law states and I know my interpretation of it.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but aren't I entitled to have an opinion on it?

I'm quite happy for anyone to give me theirs, but I'm not going to go out of my way to do it all for them.. Why would I?

You seem a pretty strange guy.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
yes you can buy it and get it posted to your home, that doesn’t make it legal. Like pornography which is illegal, gambling is illegal both are readily available but still against the law, and I won’t even mention the bar girl industry. Just because you can get things and use them doesn’t make it legal.
Thomas *************************
@Rob *********
Not really the point I was making. The actual law states that the importation and sale is illegal. It doesn’t actually cover possession. If you’re ever arrested for possession, it shouldn’t in theory result in prosecution.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
the last actual person who was fined was a Dutch National in 2020 who was fined 36,000 baht for vaping.
Thomas *************************
@Rob *********
Look up the law. Vaping is not illegal. The importation of sale is illegal via section 20.

However Section 20 of the Customs Act prohibits the import of electronic cigarettes (among other things).

The only thing that makes them illegal is the lack of tax paid on them. Which you can be prosecuted for, but the offence wouldn’t be “for vaping”.

Just because somebody has been fined for something in Thailand, it doesn’t mean the law has been interpreted or applied properly. It’s Thailand.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
the only way around the law, is if you can show you bought it into the country before 2014, so prior to the law being bought in.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
am fully aware it is Thailand, I have been here for a long time, I am just stating the facts on what can actually happen, doesn’t mean the law is applied evenly across the board. I wish you luck arguing your point of view with the police if you are ever caught.
Thomas *************************
@Rob *********
I don’t vape, I used to work for a vaping company and I’m on standby for when the law changes for mass imports. So I’m constantly assessing the situation. There’s a huge grey area with this law, just not a big enough one for mass sale yet.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
also I would imagine the tobacco lobby, meaning the cigarette companies would lose money, and they have connections very high up who look after their interests, similar to most countries. For the record I don’t vape or smoke, but have friends here that do, albeit privately.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
you will be fined any which way, as I said feel free to walk around the streets vaping your choice.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
it has been banned since 2014, the law states it is unlawful to possess, be in possession and consume and possess material for vaping, this also includes the e cigarettes. Since e cigarettes are illegal to bring into Thailand, if caught using them, you are assumed to have smuggled it in illegally under section 20 of the customs act. But feel free to walk around the streets vaping, if you believe you are entitled to.
Rob **********
@Thomas ************************
it is against the law to vape, be in possession of equipment to vape, the sales of vaping material, you might need to check up on Thai law again, my information comes from a very reliable source you absolutely knows the law. But Thailand being Thailand it is like the other hundred or so laws that are never or rarely enforced.
Paul *******
I have openly without issue. Notice more and more people here doing it too . Brought 2 months stock of my vape stuff for recent visit. Extended a month and bought extra sock online delivered to hotel.
Wilmont ******
It’s against Thai Law but many do. Just don’t get caught. Customs will detain and many arrest if they find.
Edna *******
Consider giving up that nasty habit!!!
Bruno ********
@Edna ******
relative to smoking cigarettes it’s probably a great habit.
Aaron *******
The thing about Thailand: They may not enforce certain laws, then one day, the police/military will be out in force, stringently enforcing said law.
Peter *********
Not legally
Lisa ********************
Yes . I do. But it is illegal. But many people including Thais vape now.
Kay *********
Juanita *******
They sell them on Bangla road, heaps of people vape in Thailand
Geoff ***********
Shaun *********
It is illegal in Thailand to use vapors and tbh it winds me up folk smoking them in your face when in their own country's it has to be done outside. I think most folk who smoke them don't give a damn about folk around them.
JP ********
@Shaun ********
I generally thought a car was on fire once. How can you drive in that smoke?

It's a Millenial novelty.
Lisa ********************
@Justin ****************
it's not smoke. It's water vapour. Same as your breath on a cold morning.
JP ********
@Lisa *******************
ok well in a huge cloud of vapour how do you see to operate a vehicle? Vaping is a solo venture as blowing that in another person's face would seem to be rude and inconsiderate. Unless one vapes in a cloud cluster where you socialise together in fog....
Garry *******
Owen ***********
No no not in public,
Claus ******
Matthew *********
Highly illegal, but bottom sex is fine 👍
David ***********
Still illegal
Joanne ************
I took mine, no issues whatsoever.
Steve ********
I vape all the time. Even around the coppers
Lisa ********************
John ******************
No. It’s illegal and big fine
Glenn ******
@John *****************
yeah prostitution is illegal too
Winston *********
@Glenn *****
I've seen arrests for vaping.
John ******************
. Upto you if you want to take the risk
Bobby ********
You'll get a double fine. One for vaping, and one for not wearing a mask! 😆
Juanita *******
@Bobby *******
in fact they didn’t even ask, only pulled us over to check licence
Bobby ********
@Juanita ****** was a tongue in cheek remark - hence the 😆
Juanita *******
@Bobby *******
ohh ok 😂
Juanita *******
@Bobby *******
cops pulled us over on scooter about 10 times without a mask… no fine… not once
John *********
Lol there are vape shops all over the place, and people vapeing everywhere 🤣

I had my around my neck smoking several times when pulled over from the police and had it with me in the police station.

So whenever that rule come in no one knows about it or they simply don't care.

And that's also with me several times through the airports for the past 7 months. Always picked up and check battery size and nothing else.
Felix ****
@Shayne *******
Vape shops, really? Can you point out a single official vape shop in any big city? Would love to see one.
Dan *******
You can vape on nights out all over Thailand and not have problems, but you have to be careful as it’s big fines and you might get dobbed in for a cut. I can remember a time I vaped and a Thai lady was offended even though she was smoking so there are some that take this law seriously (obviously I apologised). In CM nobody really cared tbh
Dan *******
Also be careful bringing in vape gear in your suit case if it’s found it’s also heavy fines at airport.
Dan **********
Vaping is not allowed in Thailand but it is. Unless your stoped for doing it. Depending on were you are in Thailand. There are many signs posted in Pattaya about not vaping and the amount of the fine. I can’t remember what the amount is.
Jw ********
Paul *******
No. I'm a vaper. Half Thai but look Thai,they bust Thais too. For some reason some think it's only Farangs they arrest. I do carry mine and use it just careful where. A few of my Thai buddies have been caught and they were fined 2k and 3k
Jon *****
@Paul ******
That's a deal ! I know someone who got fined 50k !
Bruce *********
I got stopped at Pattaya while vaping and the police officer wanted me to pay 1,000 baht fine. I called the tourist place on the phone and they spoke to him and he let me go. He then immediately stopped a foreigner who was riding a moped without a helmet.
Xjwhudkwhry ********
@Bruce ********
u both broke the law, just shows the amount of oblivious foreigners here...
Marshal *********
@Xjwhudkwhry *******
... but how else are the police here expected to make a living? 🤔
Bruce *********
@Xjwhudkwhry *******
it didn't seem to stop the four or five other Thai Nationals who were smoking around me. That's the only reason why I was doing it plus the fact that I bought the vape at an open market one block away from there. This was just a few weeks after I moved to Thailand so I had no idea it was illegal.
Maxy **************
@Bruce ********
you can also buy a knife, but it u stab someone you will get in trouble. You make no sense, you just broke the law. Jesus, how arrogant you must be in your real life.
Bruce *********
@Maxy *************
I've been to over 20 countries all of which vaping is allowed and is legal. I go to Pattaya 2 weeks after I arrive in Thailand and I buy a vape device that is being sold at a store on the main strip. I see other local people smoking Vapes in public right by the police. How am I supposed to know that vaping is illegal here in Thailand. Please explain to me how I'm not making any sense.
Maxy **************
@Bruce ********
a knife is also sold in a “shops right by the police”

Vaping is ilegal just like drones (I love drones and I’ve been researching about it in Thailand, I know if I get caught I’d get a fine).

It’s all about researching
Wayne *********
@Maxy *************
drones are not illegal just have to be registered and have insurance
Bruce *********
@Maxy *************
being that I've bend over 20 countries were vaping is perfectly legal as well as has been legal in the United States where I'm from for over 10 years. I never even considered that it would be illegal. It never occurred especially when I saw a group of people smoking Vapes outside literally next to two police officers. I pulled out the box and started smoking it. What about the scenario would make me think that it's illegal?
Maxy **************
@Bruce ********
google is a pretty good scenario my friend.... guns are allowed in USA but not in eeuu 😛
Bruce *********
@Maxy *************
bringing examples of other things which are illegal has nothing to do with vaping. You are getting off the subject. You're just trying to cause trouble. Get off your high horse and leave me alone.
Maxy **************
@Bruce ********
you got it bro! Have a nice day!
German *****
can! is Thai
Ivan ************
Obviously you can. Just don't get caught 🤣

Even some coppers vape out here. Seen it many times
John ********
Bruno ********
Why would vaping be illegal? 🤯
RV *************
@Bruno *******
because the tabacco companies don't want the competition. Big corporations run the world.
Douglas ************
@Bruno *******
Because it affects the income of the Thailand tobacco growers. Fact.
Brad *******
@Bruno *******
government knows best.
Ron *****
Bruno ********
@Ron ****
from cigarette companies? Or from being able to fine it...
Brandon ************
@Bruno *******
it's cigarette company lobbying. Same reason hookah is very illegal also.
Brian ********
Ricky ******
As a Farang, don't vape whilst riding a motorbike without a helmet, insurance or an International Driving Licence or the boys in brown will think Christmas has come early😁
Mike *****
@Ricky *****
but don't f9rget to wear your mask..
Ricky ******
@Mike ****
That's right Thai's on their bikes with no helmet...and a mask😅
Mike *****
@Ricky *****
Farangs are worse..
Henry *******
Not legally no. However many Thais do vape though at their own risk. You’re at the mercy of police if you’re caught with one
William ********
Falang will get fined!
John ****************
in fine
Ashley ********
Maxim ***********
Illegal but rarely enforced, and if so, ull get fined, that's it. Just like many other Thai laws.
Brandon ************
It's highly illegal. And tons of Thais do it and it's available to purchase everywhere 🤷🏻‍♂️
Bobby ********
@Brandon ***********
A bit like prostitution? Oops! I mean bar waitresses! 😆
Brandon ************
@Bobby *******
I'd be more worried about vaping than prostitution if I partook of either. Though I'm sure they're both bad for your health!
Bobby ********
@Brandon ***********
Focus on the positive. A vape is very unlikely to steal your Rolex
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