Is it advisable to apply for a second SETV visa immediately after completing the first one, or should I do a border run first?

January 30, 2020
5 years ago
Nein ************
Hello! What is your opinion on a back to back SETV?

I'm using my SETV til February and was thinking if I'd just to a visa border run for 1 month then apply for a second SETV afterwards. Or should I try my luck applying for a second one right away?

PS. I'm not in any way abusing the system. I just want to be with someone and I cannot afford getting an ed visa. Unfortunately, getting a job is difficult too! 😣
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is considering applying for a second SETV (Single Entry Tourist Visa) after their current one expires in February, and is contemplating whether to do a border run first or apply directly. Responses indicate that applying for a second SETV immediately is likely favorable, particularly if there have been no previous issues with obtaining visas. However, there is some caution about potential risks with multiple visa applications, and suggestions for alternatives, including applying for an education visa (ED) if long-term stay is desired. Overall, the community expresses support for the user's situation, while advising on best practices for visa applications.
Terary **********
". I'm not in any way abusing the system" The Thai know what there doing. You are allowed unlimited SETV visas, however you can be denied both a visa and also entry (with or without visa).

I have been doing SETV visa for a few years now. Back-to-back. I would recommend getting visa over border-run/border-bounce.

The more Tourist visas you have the more risk you take - but so far I haven't had troubles.

Should go without saying but seems necessary to say.

-- Be polite and presentable both at embassy and border crossing

-- Always travel with the 3 proofs

-- Remember you are not entitled, you are a guest.

You should be fine.
Nein ************
@Terary *********
by the way, do you apply for a visa by yourself or do you use an agency for visa runs?
Nein ************
@Terary *********
thank you! Never did i feel entitled about the visa. I'm pretty much worried about it most of the time 😆
Kyle ********
What is your history of SETVs? If you've only had one you'll be fine, if you've had multiple there is a higher risk you'll experience issues at an embassy.
Nein ************
@Kyle *******
I've only had one
John *********

1) I wish you best of luck. No one can say for certain, but we have feelings based on our own experiences.

2) I dug through your post history for a more complete picture.

You came here visa exempt last year. Extended it. (60 days)

Then went to Vientiane for SETV. Extended it. (90 days)

Now looking at going back to Vientiane for another SETV which you will likely extend.

This likely won’t be a problem. Adding a border bounce before it won’t help/hurt your history.

The question is: what do you do after this next SETV?

If you say:

Two border bounces that get extended and then “home” or elsewhere for months that’s not a bad option.

If you say: get another SETV, well that’s where it becomes uncertain, especially with Vientiane.

You’d want to try HCMC Vietnam before going back to Laos.


Since you want to be here long term, consider applying for ED in HCMC.

You mentioned cost. The school tuition can be found for about or less than 20,000฿.

You’ll need to go to class most of the time and still pay for extensions at Immigration ever 90 days.

There may be a nasty person or two who replies but this group is well moderated.

The point is this: Immigration rules and the uneven enforcement of them has a lot of people worried.

There will be people saying to get the “right visa”. Ignore them. You’re in a relationship possibly with a local and it’s just not that easy.

The future is uncertain so we have to keep our eyes and ears open.
Nein ************
In regards to the SETV, I got the first one from Vientianne.

Can I apply for the second one in the same place or would you recommend a different consulate? Thanks!
Nein ************
Hello! Thanks for the response. Yes, I have found a school that offers a cheap Ed visa but I looked into it further and since the school is in Bangkok, I need to have a Bangkok address.

I'm in Khon Kaen at the moment and my plan was to apply for that Ed visa in Bkk. My Thai host has a brother living in Bangkok and is staying in a government-funded room. I thought of using that but if there might come a time that the immigration police might have to do random checks, I don't want to be the reason for her brother to have a bad record if the immigration officers find out that I'm not really there.

Yes, I'm in a relationship with someone and we are both girls, so we cannot get a visa based on marriage, sadly. =/

After the SETV, we might just go back to my country. If by that time, I still haven't found a job, then, I might be done fighting and will just accept that I really cannot stay here long term.
Ivan ************
You are probably better off trying for the second SETV immediately. You'll still have the option of two land border runs after, so save them for then. Most consulates will probably give you a second all right. Maybe not Savannakhet.

Try and if you are rejected you can come back visa exempt.

Have you extended your current one yet? That would give you another 30 days.
Nein ************
Thanks for the advice!
Ivan ************
I would think, try for a second now. You'll be more likely to get it now than after one or two border bounces.
Nein ************
Hello! Thanks!

Yes, I have extended my current one through a local immigration office. I can stay until the 25th of February.
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