Is an International Driving Permit valid in Thailand with a Non-Immigrant Visa?

October 3, 2020
4 years ago
Jon *******
Hello, thanks for adding me to the group.

I have read on Tripadvisor driving in Thailand section that an International Driving Permit is not valid if you've got a Non Immigrant visa as it is only valid for tourist visas. I can't find other references to this. Has anyone got more information? Thanks!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The validity of an International Driving Permit (IDP) in Thailand is often misunderstood. While some believe that an IDP is only valid for tourists and not for those holding non-immigrant visas, others clarify that it remains valid for up to three months regardless of visa type for visits. After that period, a Thai license is generally required for residents to avoid complications with insurance and legal issues. Many expats recommend obtaining a local Thai driving license if you plan to drive long-term in Thailand, as it simplifies interactions with law enforcement and potentially offers benefits like local pricing.
Hamid *******
I had international driving license and no problem
John ********
Only good for about 60-90 days
Alexis **********
Just take your license to a shop tha dos thai licence go do the test .you don't go near a car 5000thb easy
Kevin ******
@Alexis *********
or go to the real Department of Motor Vehicles. Watch a 45 minute movie and only pay 500baht. First issue is good for 2 years. Renew it for 200baht and it’s good for 5 years
Alexis **********
@Kevin *****
that's ok if you have some one who can fill the form out in thai . I've had two 2year licences as thay don't give 5year one anymore! Well not to flanges any way
Kevin ******
@Alexis *********
ok. Received mine in Feb this year.
Alexis **********
@Kevin *****
i ask the girl for a five year one but she said only 2year .maybe cos i renewed it a year after it expired. I'll try to get a five year one when I get back .
Channel **********
Interesting thing is most International Drivers Licence do not have Thai translation on them so at almost every checkpoints the Police dont even check them maybe look at the photo.

I have a UK friend who has been driving around Thailand with an out of date International licence for 3 years lol 😂
Apex ********************
There is no such thing as an "international driving license."
Jon *******
@Channel *********
driving in Thailand uninsured? That's a pretty terrifying thought.
Channel **********
@Jon ****** will be at fault insured or uninsured... and that is not a myth..that is fact.

It's a no win situation end of conversation 😁
Jon *******
@Channel *********
I know which side of the law I would rather be on.
Channel **********
@Jon ******
Channel **********
@Jon ******
..Farangs are always at fault in any traffic situation insured or non insured ..the odds are stacked against you,
Jon *******
@Channel *********
Exactly, that's why you need to follow the letter of the law, or you're even more vulnerable.
Channel **********
@Jon ******
.. He is insured through his wifes policy.
Jon *******
@Channel *********
with an invalid license? Good luck with that!
Channel **********
@Jon ******
unless you are accompanied by a Thai speaking companion to help defend you and give evidence in Thai ..then that is where you will need "Good Luck" unless you have experience in a serious traffic accident than you are assuming and you know where assumption gets you in our country.
Jon *******
@Channel *********
I know where lawyers get you anywhere!
Bill **********
When you go to get a Thai drivers license, the process is much easier if you have an IDL. So, whether used or not for traffic stops, it is well worth the cost to save steps and time at the DL portal; even better if you have mc endorsement.
Jon *******
@Bill *********
to be honest I've been driving here for 15 years on and off, my car's done nearly 200k kms and I've only ever been stopped once! I really want to make sure my insurance is valid.
Tania ********
@Jon ******
I’ve been here 3 years, done less than 15,000km and been stopped and had to show my licence 4 times - yesterday being the most recent!
Bill **********
@Jon ******
me, too.
Alf ***********
You need an international driver's license. The one that is valid for one year.

But you can only use it in Thailand for 3 months per entry
Pete **********
@Alf **********
exactly - it is valid for three months only then you need to change to a proper Thai license.
Peter ***************
I have Thai drivers license

It was 1200 thb

Including pictures
Channel **********
@Peter **************
..500 baht is the official cost 🤣
Eddie *******
I got a DL on a visa exempt.
Steve **********
I am on a non O. Have an international drivers license and have been stopped for speeding and at check points several times and no one gives a shit. Because of Covid all the offices we closed. When they opened the earliest appointment was October and that was in July.
George ********
The insurance company will be very aware of the rule I can assure you. Whether the police enforce it or not your insurer will throw their hands up in the air and leave you to hang
Travis *******
Just get your thai license. All you need to do is bring your license from your home country, medical certificate from a clinic, certificate of residence and do a 5 sec color test and pay the fee. If you don't have a motorcycle license from your country however, you will have to take road and written tests for that though. Although they are easy.
Paul ********
The IDP is unrelated to your visa type.
Peter ***************
Ben ****
Something to be aware of:

Although International Driving Licences are valid for up to one year after arrival in Thailand, after three months many comprehensive insurance policies are made void if still driving on a foreign licence ...
Apex ********************
Mark ********
@Thailand ***************************************
Cameron ********
My wife was ran over by a foreigner that was using international driving permits for 20 years. Not one officer in the station (Pattaya) knew about the 3 month rule that is posted all-over the internet nor did they give a shit. Seems like a valid IDP is adequate.
Frederick *********
@Cameron *******
I have full UK. licences for both motorbike and car. Plus my international driving permit. When I first came here I assumed I was driving legally on the above until I was told different. You can only drive/ride on your home country licence for up to three months, after which you need to apply for a Thai licence, (very easy). Apparently the police may accept your home country licence, but insurance companies will certainly not. Any claim you make will be rejected. Not worth the risk.
Christopher ***********
@Cameron *******
Did the police order the other foreigner to pay your Mrs's hospital bills and compensation? Or was he insured?
Noel *******
If you are living here you must have a local thai license
Andy ********
@Noel ******
that is not true. IDP is valid for at least 3 months. Saying that I would always recommend getting a local license. Very easy to do and it becomes a really good method of identification.
Jon *******
@Noel ******
it's how living, staying, visiting, resident are defined that's the problem!
Stephen *******
Rubbish. It's valid during its validity dates for visits not exceeding 3 months. Maybe that confused someone. A non imm visa may be for 12 months
Alf ***********
Police is the least of your worries.

Try to be involved in an accident without a valid driving licence
Bob **********
@Stephen ******
it depends on the police they might accept it and they might not
Jon *******
@Bob *********
I want to make sure I am fully insured
Stephen *******
@Jon ******
Then why not ask them?
Jon *******
@Stephen ******
I will do, I thought I'd ask here as I want to know if I can drive legally at the moment.
Stephen *******
@Jon ******
Its Facebook, there are as many opinions as people. Good luck.
Jon *******
@Stephen ******
Thanks, I know. People can point you to the facts though, so it can be useful.
Stephen *******
@Bob *********
What! A policeman is going to look at your international licence and your home country licence and then demand to see your passport and then look for a visa, and then determine the type and then declare your international licence is invalid. Have you been to Thailand? Have you been stopped by the police?
Bob **********
@Stephen ******
live in Thailand for 10 years and seen police tell

People there IDP is no good and write them a ticket many times
Stephen *******
@Bob *********
Now that's a different matter. You need your home country licence and IDP for the vehicle you're driving. If you have no motorcycle licence at home an IDP won't help you.
Daren *****
If you have a non immigrant visa and plan to stay for a while,,, just go and get a thai driving license,,, its reasonably easy to get, has the benefits of discounts at certain places in Thailand as you will pay thai price and not falang price if you produce it and it's less hassle if you get a pull by the police..... just make sure you apply for both bike and car at the same time... it makes life so much easier
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