Has anyone heard of quarentine costs in phuket coming down or other cheaper hotels being approved?
The last i heard was 90k baht.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the costs associated with Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) hotels in Phuket, with mentions of recent costs being as high as 90,000 baht. Comments suggest that while there may be expectations for the prices to decrease, the situation remains uncertain. Various users discuss the affordability of different hotels, share specific prices of their bookings, and express concerns about corruption in the pricing system. Additionally, recommendations for checking hotel lists and rates online are provided, hinting that price adjustments might be forthcoming as more hotels are approved for ASQ.
Easiest way just check the night rate special on agoda etc against the rate you are charged . Add 100 to 250 per meal . So 4 to 10k for the meals .
Reply to
Rob ******
Joe ***********
ASQ payments from returning visitors or new tourist is skimmed into tea money envelopes. Who gets it? Top brass is my guess. And if anyone thinks that graft and corruption is not involved - then I nominate you to be a member of the naive brigade. π€
The Tea money in Thailand .No , the Police and army would NEVER allow it . Shame on you . Ttttt
Michael ********
I got some breakdowns of bills from ASQ and apart from the hospital fee which is just a lump sum cost. Most are actually fair for the normal room rates and three meals a day and transportation
I know like i said wifes in the buisness that was factored into the spread sheet this economics professor did. We checked through back end agoda and sabre to check present agent rates
max 10 % my wife used to manage one of hotels back end booking system so fully aware of all rates for different situations. No point putting here because your minds made up already.
Was discussed quite detailed in farangs stranded abroad with spread sheets bills etc etc if you fancy checking it out.
- Anything happening in normal times doesn't count. The chosen hotels have income while the non chosen hotels have virtually none. Any regular income versus expense calculation is out the window. The investment group of a particular hotel (via the hotel general manager) will do whatever takes to survive. Any income to pay basic expenses means survival until this awful Lockdown aftermath goes away. I have been reading about the disastrous hotel situation in Phuket... many will close permanently.
They are not chosen they have to apply and pass the ministry of health standards which are quite strict and as i saw first hand strictly adhered to.
The hotel I was in was also accepting non ASQ customers and we used current figures not pre covid.
I am aware Thailand is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and have been a part of it especially importing boats and getting them there Thai papers and many other things.
A few of us looked at this in quite detail (you get bored in quarantine) and there just is simply not enough money for big under the table payments in this case a rarity for Thailand we came to the conclusion it was above board.
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Michael ********
Joe ***********
Bobby Howard - Well - Mr. Know it All... this ASQ kickback is obviously not known by many who comment here as evidenced by the nature of their comments
Joe ***********
Bobby Howard Your ability to convey your meaning is sorely lacking. You will join others who overlord in your fashion
Joe ***********
Bobby Howard - You stated nothing in a humorous fashion. Your statement was just smart assed as you typically do. Do you live on this site
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Joe ***********
Stephan ***********
Only this three right now...more applications are on their way, but not approved yet.
Logically yes they should be making use of all the big hotels that are used to dealing with mass tourism. They have the infra structure with hospitals airport and could offer very affordable ASQs at all the hotels that dealt with mass tourism rather than the beach resorts (your stuck in a room anyway) but thats too logical
Michael ********
Swimming pool was sit around only not allowed to swim. Whats in the brochure and what you get are not neccesarily the same
Domenico *********
As is it possible read in the brochure of the hotels, the "quarantined", after 7 days can use swimming pool and fitness area and if on the beach, walk around the hotel for 1km....... this is the so-called "isolation"...
if anything like when i did the quarantine. You had to book a time slot for these and were limited to one hour a day. Things like the fitness center only one person at a time then cleaning. Time slots were very limited.
Domenico *********
Yes, you can use that areas..... if there are 50 or more customers and can go out only 1 for only 1 hour, it means each one can go out minimun 1 time every 2 day..... including night time..
. I think the special tourist visa is designed to stimulate tourism nationwide. I didn't see any specific locations mentioned. I would assume the majority of people would enter through Bangkok and possibly prefer to "serve" their quarantine there, as there are more choices. More info will come out in the next days and weeks I'm sure.
damned if I can find the article now but I read BKK, Buriram, Chonburi, and Phuket. Until something official is announced it's obviously speculation all round
. There's absolutely no firm plans been announced yet. Unlike previous proposals which have been postponed, I do think this one has the potential to get off the ground as it's targetting cashed-up tourists who don't mind spending two weeks out of nine months in quarantine. There will probably be some financial criteria to meet, and don't be surprised (in light of yesterday's coincidental announcement that Thai Airways has been given the green light to restructure and get flying again), that one of the conditions for this visa will be "must fly Thai Airways". π€£π€£. Or am I getting too cynical in my old age? π€£
. It's purely coincidental that Air China start regular flights to Bangkok, and a few days later the Thai government announce a way back in for cashed-up tourists! Oh, and the Japanese are interested too!
yea that the confusing part. So far in the news its only mentioned that pkt will open to tourism, kinda kinting that even the new 270 day visa would be applicable to flying into pkt for your quarentine. The current visas accepted in bkk would be work visas, marriage(conditionally) etc. Its all still very unclear.
join farangs stranded abroad group, they are really on top of the situation there and there are offshoots for different countries as typically Thai each embassys rules can differ
. More than 70% of Thailand tourists come from Asia, of which China makes up around 40%. It's obvious this is what will be targetted. Although the Chinese spending per person is slightly lower than western farangs, the sheer numbers will offset this. It's not lost on the Thais that farangs complain about how expensive Thailand is and the cost of quarantine etc. Are these really the type of people to boost the flagging sector of the economy?
i get it, but if quarentine was really about protecting people china should definitely be on the first admission list. Just my opinion, but im well aware of the logic used out there, so im really not going to argue it.
. It was only announced yesterday afternoon. No specific locations were mentioned, so I don't know what you were reading. There was a Phuket plan about two weeks which was shelved, perhaps that's what you're referring to?