Can I use my UK property rental income to meet the 65,000 Baht monthly requirement for a Non-Immigrant O-A visa in Thailand?

February 20, 2019
6 years ago
Gordon ********
Hi all, in the land of smiles,

I hope to retire too Thailand later this year.

Can you please tell me, will the Thai authorities accept the monthly rent of my house as part of the 65000 Baht required for a non immigrant 'O A' visa.

At today rate with the rental and my UK pension should give me a monthly income of 76,989.54.Baht.

I appreciate I'll probably have to rent my house before coming to Thailand to show the income on a bank statement,

(That's a big step to my new life)

Thanks for any advice

Gordon Skeggs

(UK Resident)
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the requirements for obtaining a Non-Immigrant O-A visa in Thailand, specifically regarding the monthly income threshold of 65,000 Baht. The user is seeking to understand if rental income from their property in the UK can be counted towards this requirement, along with their UK pension. Responses from the community suggest that while the primary requirement is to show a monthly transfer of at least 65,000 Baht into a Thai bank account, there are concerns about UK tax on rental income and fluctuations in currency which may affect the viability of using rental income to meet the visa criteria.
Robert *******
I seems the OP has the information he need go on and make the decisions. Handy information about get married or not, have a child out of wedlock or not are not the kind of advice needed. Those things are personal choices of the person and I strongly advice not to do things like this just because of an Extension of Stay. Do it for the correct reasons.
Gordon ********
Thank you for all your comments, it's been a great help. I'd already allowed for UK tax in my calculations from renting my house and the fact I don't have show income from it until I've been living in Thailand for year is great, I can now rent my house and get on a plane instead of renting my house for six months for before my departure, The agent I'm signing up with will guarantee my monthly payment and well pay it straight into a Thailand bank, ( cost a little bit more but worth it ) with my UK pension and house less tax will give me 76,989.54.Baht.per month but I could add a little from my savings each mouth just to top it up to 80,000
Nicholas *******************
I'd go with... for the first 3 years live on 40K a month (easily done outside of Bangkok) - then after 3 years, you'll have the 800K in the bank to safely ignore the income requirement.

Brexit would be my biggest immediate concern because while I don't see a likely 20% slide in the pound... that's a big grey area to flesh out. Otherwise, you should be able to coast for 3 years and then forget about it.
James *******
My understanding is they want to see 65,000 thb enter your account from a foreign account every month. How that money is acquired isn’t an issue.
Jaime *********
Gordon wants to rent his house to acquire the monthly income. Is proof needed of the monthly rental of his house, ie a rental contract or do the Thai authorities only want to see 65k going into a Thai bank account?

If he had 40k from his house rental and 25k from his savings, would the Thai authorities reject this or do they only look at the Thai bank account for 65k?
Jaime *********
Thanks Stuart. I was under the impression that they wanted to see your pension documentation or proof that you have 65k+ of income in your home country as well as 65k moving into your Thai account.

So if you have savings in your home country you can just transfer from that into your Thai account.

Yes, you're spot on about fluctuations in the strength of currencies. It's for this reason that I was wondering if Gordon could use house rental income plus savings (if the currency is not in your favour) to provide 65k for the Thai authorities.
Stuart **********
@Jim ****
they only look at the Thai bank for the 65k but it's not savings and property rental that he's relying on its pension and house rental. UK pension is also frozen at today's rate as soon as he is living in Thailand, so what happens when the 65k the Thais want goes up with inflation? His pension is not. Also with renting any property you will inevitably get void periods with no income and also UK tax to pay on the income from any property rental. Then you have fluctuation in exchange rates UK pound was at 53 baht just a few years ago and only 40 now. Yes he could probably do it today but he's not factoring in the future enough with the calculations that he has explained
Stuart **********
You'll need to be careful if your income from UK is around 76k baht/month and you need 65k baht a month then I'd say that's definitely too tight. It wouldnt take too much more of a depreciation in the UK pound to be leaving you short
Mary ********
Definitely get the visa before coming. Friend here has her entire income from rental real estate in Hawaii. Was told in December when she went for renewal they would not accept that as proof of income. She headed back to the States where the LA consulate immediately gave her a new "retirement" visa. At $1200 a little pricey but maybe the price we pay.
Жанна ************
@Mary *******
got it! were are on the same mode... ill follow this route as well
Mary ********
It's not an extension. It is an entirely new Visa. Which if you do it right gives you 2 years. We would do the US one in June because flights are cheapest then. Still not cheap but we are totally NOT going to do the 800k thing and the 65k monthly is a major hassle.
Жанна ************
@Mary *******
you mentioned at your original note the option to get extension at LA consulate
Mary ********
@Жанна ***********
I already have been told income in a US bank doesn't count. It must be a Thai bank. Transferred in from a US bank is ok. We have wealthy friends who tried to prove income by withdrawals at Thai ATMs. Was told they must be interbank transfer.
Жанна ************
@Mary *******
thanks so much... I most hopeful to show income at US bank and not to bring it here. Or would need to research other options
Mary ********
@Жанна ***********
at this point in time with a May extension you should be able to do income into a Thai bank of 65k a month. But make SURE that the money comes through a bank and not airbandb or eBay or PayPal. The authorities are legit in assuming these would not be sustainable sources.

Headed out today to find out about husband's renewal. We know he doesn't qualify so will take our planned vacation in Italy. Then the decision is whether to get a 6 month METV in Rome or head stateside for both of us to renew. Mine expires in June.
James *******
@Mary *******
you mean when she went for extension there was an issue with rental income? Or you mean when she tried to convert a visa to O-A?
Жанна ************
@Mary *******
thanks for sharing; I might be in the same situation... need to get extension in May and hand rental income in LA
James *******
You will now apply online after 1st April and make an appointment. There is currently a beta test link on the London Embassy website.
James *******
I’m doing the same. The only major difference is that when I apply for my first extension after my second year I will now have to show the previous 12 months of income over 65,000thb
Tod *********
First you need to understand that you can't GET a Non-Immigrant Type O-A visa INSIDE of thailand, you get one at the thai consulate in your country BEFORE you wing your way here.

Next you need to understand that the requirements for a VISA from a thai consulate in your country have nothing much to do with a yearly extension based on being over 50 (retirement) inside thailand.

I would say get the year-long, multi-entry Non-Immigrant Type O-A visa from the thai consulate in London BEFORE you wing your way here using proof of funds in your bank account back there.
Paul *********
If you get the O A visa in your home country you do not need to show any money in a Thai bank account.

You only need the money in a Thai bank for extensions of stay that you apply for in Thailand.
Keith *******
I hope you realise that there is just a slight fly in the ointment, if it’s income from renting your house in the UK you will have to pay income tax in the uk on that.
Steve *****
The money need to be send to ypur thai bank account every month. When that is 65+k it is okay and does not matter how you get the money as ling it is send from abroad every month.
Chris ******
Gordon - I hope they accept rental income from property as part of the monthly
***** intention to do the same in a few months..
Gordon ********
Chris I think a lot people would rent their property at home to get the
, but before I did the same I thought I would ask the question.
Paul *********
Apply for a O A visa at the Thai embassy in London before you leave.

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