Can I accompany my Thai wife to her US Embassy appointment in Bangkok?

September 5, 2022
2 years ago
Mark ********
Does anyone know if I can accompany my Thai wife for her appointment at the US Embassy in Bangkok? Will they let me inside with her?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion confirms that generally, you cannot accompany your Thai wife into her visa appointment at the US Embassy in Bangkok; only the individual named on the appointment slip is allowed entry. While some commenters suggest you may be allowed to go in for other purposes, such as Citizen Services, for visa interviews specifically, you will have to wait outside. There is significant concern among community members regarding the difficulties of obtaining US visas for Thai spouses, with many sharing experiences of frustration and denial, reflecting broader issues about immigration policies.
John-Paul ******
You can go with her... to Citizen Service... but if for her interview... then they will not allow you to be present and will be asked to stay outside in waiting area out of ear shot so to speak or mayne even out of the building all together if the day is set aside for said interviews. Remember also that she will have to prove a reason why she will NOT stay in US.
Daniel **********
Not the interview.
Gavin ********
If you’re trying to get her a tourist visa to the US, prepare to be disappointed. If you do succeed, a lot of us would really appreciate any info on why you think she got it. They didn’t even bother to look at the massive stack of documents we spent months preparing. We’ve been married for much longer now and even have another child, as well as assets, so maybe next time it’ll be different. I’ve heard not to get my hopes up though. Even some agencies that help Thai people get US visas have stopped accepting those clients because the success rate is so low.
Mma *******
What a sad fucking world we live in now. A man can't even bring his long term wife back to his home country. Can't the smart folks at immigration figure out who is trafficking and who is a legit couple- who makes these decisions...
Bonnie *********
@Mma ******
Yes, we know you're so very special. Ford forbid you have to go through proper channels and follow guidelines to get what you want.

You poor little baby.

I get so sick of people who think they're so special that no rules apply to them.
Gavin ********
@Bonnie ********
I kind of saw where you were coming from before, but now you just sound nasty and elitist because you have some ancient immigration experience. (Sorry, but you deserved that after the harsh comment above.) You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Families who meticulously prepare the required documents and go through all of the proper channels, even ones using state-side visa agencies, and who obviously have no intention of staying any longer than their pre-booked return flights, are being turned down constantly and consistently. EVERY one of our friends who have tried to take their wives to their home country that isn’t the USA has received their visas with little to no problems. There is something else going on with US immigration and it’s not about following correct guidelines or having all your ducks in a row.
Mark ********
@Gavin *******
Exactly! It's like something has happened between the 2 governments and now they are being extremely strict on Thailand. The only thing I heard was Thailand is beginning to lean more towards China's politics because America is getting stupid, which is completely true. So that could be one issue.
Bonnie *********
@Gavin *******
He wasn't talking about any of that. I suggest you reread his initial response that the government is so bad and that he deserves better. That was my only point.

He doubled down later.

There is a lot going on with the embassies, and it's also a problem for Americans in other countries getting services also.

My point was that everyone has to do something, and that meetings don't include the American sponsor. Period.

My attitude was simply directed at his asshat comments that the rules shouldn't apply to him.
Rob ******
@Bonnie ********
Wow, what an intolerable, judgemental and bitter person you are. These guys aren’t whining or asking to NOT go through the process, nor for any special treatment- they’re expecting fairness and for the total picture of their relationship to be considered when they apply and follow the process.
Kerry ***********
@Rob *****
Oh you're too polite Rob 🤣
Michael ***********
@Gavin *******
We're facing the same problem right now. Trying to get my Thai wife back to the U.S. for my father's memorial service, and to visit my mom.
Mark ********
@Michael **********
All I can say is do not even attempt one little lie on the application. Tell them the complete truth and share as many supporting documents as you can. My wife hired an agent to do her first application and she did not add the details my wife said. She made up lies too and swore to my wife it would help her chances. It was denied. We just got denied again today because the Immigration officer just kept saying "you lied on your last application. Sorry. Denied." I told her no lies. America does not play around with this stuff. So now we have a bad history with the embassy because of an agent.
Mark ********
@Michael **********
Yep, I tried to warn my wife to listen to me but she didn't and now she is flagged in the system as lying.
Gavin ********
@Michael **********
I feel ya. My grandmother was on her death bed and she just wanted to meet my wife and our new daughter before she passed. The good ‘ol US of A decided that wasn’t going to happen 🇺🇸
Mark ********
@Gavin *******
Yes, we have noticed the sudden buzz of America keeping Thai women out too. What's weird is you would think the marriage would at least get the wife a tourist visa to go meet family. Its like they all assume we are all getting married for scams now. But some of us do it for genuine love. Its getting really old how systems are starting to get more difficult because of how many stupid people we have in the world. Idiocracy is fast approaching.
Bonnie *********
@Mark *******
why is it weird? Human trafficking is a thing.
Mma *******
@Bonnie ********
It's weird because the 'smart' government folks can't determine what a real marriage is. Why should a long term married couple not be able to visit the man's home country, why can't the government get it right...?
Bonnie *********
@Mma ******
What is a "real" marriage? That's not the point at all. But, you seem to know everything about everything, so why did you even bother asking a question?
Michael ***********
@Bonnie ********
People say that very often without any evidence. It's a lot more rare in these circumstances. There is more human trafficking of people to Cambodian casinos or call centers, and of Burmese people to the fishing industry.
Bonnie *********
@Michael **********
back in an old life, I worked for immigration. There are so many scams going on, it's unbelievable. There is an awful lot of human trafficking in every country.

I don't understand the paranoia of a 5-10 minute meeting without the spouse to be such a big deal. The spouse isn't the one asking for a visa, the petitioner is.

Demanding access to ever facet of government is not a right, in any country. The whiney boy person from my country throwing a tantrum is both sad and hilarious.
Mark ********
@Bonnie ********
So every thai female who wants to go visit America will be trafficked? What are you even talking about? We are talking about how our Thai wives can't get tourist visas to the US to travel with us.
Bonnie *********
@Mark *******
I didn't say or imply that. I said it is a reality that there is human trafficking.

Holy shit.
Martin *********
You can go with her , but she will be interviewed alone .
Mark ********
Thanks for the answers, everyone
Robert *************
Terary **********
While there get a certified copy of her passport. I *think* it will be required if you plan to include her on your taxes.
Michael **************
No you cannot not. I go tomorrow
Jeff *********
Renaud ***********
John ********
John-Paul ******
@John *******
oh I went in. My embassy.... my country.... US territory. Made enough noise about it as a y good loudmouthed American would. But I did wait outside in thr waiting area our of ear shot.
Steve **********
No you cannot. Only the name on the appointment slip can enter. I had to wait outside.
Dave **********
@Steve *********
I went for a beer as the interview was on my wife. Nothing I could do at that point as she was either prepared or not.

The interviewer only concern, as I knew it would be, was would the wife's return and the paperwork, property and business, make it clear she would. Total time less then 5 minutes
Mark ********
@Dave *********
Awesome. I hope mine goes this fast too. Thanks for the detailed comment.
Mark ********
@Steve *********
So much for being our bridge to America, huh? 😉 We can't even go inside our own embassy.
Bonnie *********
@Mark *******
that’s bullshit Mark, but not surprised because you are one of “those” citizens. Too bad you can’t understand the need for private meetings.
Shane *****
@Mark *******
you can go inside. If you have business there.
Dave **********
@Mark *******
the interview is for the applicant so no reason for anyone to accompany or more likely to try to assist.
Michael **************
@Mark *******
nope doesn’t work that way.
Steve **********
exactly. I was less than impressed with them every time I had to deal with them.
Mark ********
@Steve *********
And you watch these movies when an American gets in trouble with local criminals and they just run into the embassy by flashing their ID and saying "I'm American!" haha
Graham ******
I saw someone post a no, he was a US citizen
Will ************
Probably but she will be interviewed alone .
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