Hi. I know this has been asked before, but when I search in the forum I can't seem to see the replies - only the question.
Basically, I have an extension of stay for a volunteer visa. I have been here 20 years, but those years I have legally worked here. Had one tourist visa, but other than work and now volunteer, there is no history of suspicious visas. I guess I won't be asked to show funds, but hey, you never know.
Will be going to the UK and travelling around Europe soon. Just wondering about the 20,000 to bring back in with me. I don't want to carry that around with me on my trip. So, can I bring pounds back instead, and then I will change to Thai baht once landed in CM. No doubt I will have some pounds to change anyway. And just as a side note, it will likely be an expensive trip, so do you guys have good experiences using Thai ATM cards at European ATMs with the 'thingy' symbol on them? Losing the card would be a nightmare. Or, and if there is a better solution to bringing the 20 Gs back in, please tell me. Thank you.