What is the last day of my COVID extension following an under consideration stamp in Thailand?

January 31, 2022
3 years ago
Vittorio ******
I did a covid extension on january 28th. I just picked up my passport with under consideration stamp until February 25th. after i go to get the new stamp on February 25, what will be the last day of my extension? I would like to book the flight without going overstay.

I just asked to the lady outside immigration who hand over the passports and also to the young lady at the entrance. they said I don't know, not sure.

I dont understand the pattern here, in my previous covid extension i got 29 days for the under considration stamp (29nov-27dec) and 33 days for the extension (27dec-28jan).
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The individual received an under consideration stamp on January 28th, which is valid until February 25th. There is uncertainty about how many days will be granted for the extension after February 25th. Various comments suggest adding 30 to 60 days to the current stamp date, depending on the specifics of the COVID extension rules at the time. Ultimately, checking the specific stamp in the passport will clarify the final date of allowed stay.
Graham ******
For Covid extensions you get 60 days maximum from your application date not your current admitted until date.
Ellie *******
@Graham *****
for the second extension for the same reason, it might be added at many immigration offices
Wannikea *********
Add thirty days onto the current permission to stay /under consideration stamp, so somewhere around March 25th
John **********
Given your previous stamp expired on 28 Jan you should be able to count forward 60 days from then
Ellie *******
If it's an extension based on being unable to travel due to Covid, usually it'll be 60days total. Doesn't matter how many days you got under consideration period. Yours might have been added to your precious stamp. in that case, we cannot say what date you may expect as 60th day without seeing your all stamps.
Graham ******
@Ellie ******
And there was the overstay amnesty to 31-Dec just to complicate things
Robert *******
Open your passport, look at the stamp Extension of Stay is permitted up to xx/xx/xx The xx stand for a date and that date is your last day of allowed stay inside Thailand.
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