DTVisa Approved
I originally applied for the E-Visa application in Thailand and flew in a week later to Cambodia... They didnt cancel my payment or my application.
Type - Digital Nomad - 5 year multiply entry
Place: Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Duration: 3 Days for Approval
Information Submitted
1. Picture and Passport details
2. Lease of Condo
3. Picture of Passport entry with QR Code
4. Financials of my business website. Which consisted of the following:
A. Account printout with Capital Totals
B. 3 Months of individual Sales + 1 Year of Total Sales Summary
C. Paypal Pirntout of Cash on hand + 3 Months of Sales Summary
D. Patreon Income + Monthly Totals
E. Bitcoin Holdings
5. Digital Nomad Profiles
A. Made a two page cover showcasing what my website does with a break down of daily activities. With empathise of operations in Canada
B. Picture of Website
C. 2 Facebook Group Pictures + Discord group
D. Pictures of daily email activities
E. Picture of Servers
I formatted everything in a neat package before I left... And used a program called Camscanner Which is amazing btw... to fit everthing into a 3 meg PDF for each file that needed submitting.
Anyways just passing on this information to others so they have an idea of what to do in case theyre in the same situation.
Ill be here till thursday.. then I fly to Japan for a week!