What are the best treatment options for severe arthritis in Thailand, especially concerning knee replacements?

September 28, 2024
a day ago
Mike ********
Not visa advice but medical. My Thai g/f has bad arthritis in her knees, has anyone on here had a similar issue in thailand ? She’s 59 and has been countless times to various Thai hospitals for treatment and it’s always the same. take blood, X-rays, injections etc, I said she needs a knee replacement but she and the doctors are against it, she’s in constant pain from it and has tried most of the alternative fixes, creams,patches,injections,massage,etc non working, just had 6 visits to a clinic in Bkk for treatment and things are still the same,. I’m reluctant to pay thousands of baht for a private knee opp in a Bkk hospital when she as a Thai citizen can get it for free or little cost at a public Thai hospital,and before you start calling me a cheap Charlie I’ve thrown thousands of baht at this problem for years to no avail, fed up of going around in circles and need it sorting once and for all, any advice on costs of doing it private/public and the outcome at the end Tia,.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice for their Thai girlfriend, who suffers from severe knee arthritis. They note that she has undergone numerous treatments at various hospitals with limited success and are considering the benefits of knee replacement surgery, despite her and the doctors' reluctance. Community members provide various suggestions, including seeking professional orthopedic consultations, exploring public healthcare options, considering private medical treatments, and alternative therapies like diet changes and alternative medicine.
Micheal ********
Check a treatment called benipal ?
Bob **********
If your in pattaya go to Loma clinic in Naklua
Aaron *******
I have arthritis in my hips. Received positive results at Zen Medical Center in Pratmanuk. Received Stem Cell Treatment and the previously mentioned PRP, and some other treatments. Private clinic so probably not covered under Thai medical coverage.
Seillan **********
Paracetamol et anti inflammatoire c'est la réponse
Deb ********
Please pm me with an email address it could be an inflammatory issue which is easy to try. A friend had it bad and this helped him by 90%. He gave me the 38 page information on each food and it's inflammatory rating. I don't have arthritis but it definitely helped me with other issues. The other out of the box idea is frequency music. You can find this on you tube, search for "frequency music for arthritis". She needs to use headphones and allow 2 hours for the first session, then followed by a 1 hour session before bed and another when she wakes up. If that hasn't worked then play around with different frequencies. There are frequency apps too. This has worked for me on sore throat, I use it instead of anti biotics. That being said I don't know if it works for others, but what has she got to lose trying it?
Stephen *********
My father has cortisone injections. Seems to work for a few months.
John *********
You said she is against the need correction for the problem, knee replacement. You have done all you can do.
Tulip ********
it doesn't cost a fortune to get an independent view from a top surgeon in BKK. Pay for that then decide
Sasi ************
PRP, Stem cells as above comment s are good alternative, worth looking into.

I can understand that the doctors are not recommending the replacement. You may need to consult an Orthopedic surgeon which most large government hospitals have. There are best surgeons and specialists, I personally knew one , he is working for Thai hockey team but unfortunately living and working in Udonthani, my hometown.
Steve **********
@Sasi ***********
Maharaj in Chiang mai has exceptional Orthopedic Dr's, they are also Prof at CMU
Sasi ************
@Steve *********
Of course, that’s one of the well known institutions. Another best surgeon is also in Udonthani; extremely busy, only see patients twice a week but his operation schedule was 6-7 months in advance. These surgeons can’t even retired even they are well aged qualified.
Steve **********
@Sasi ***********
agree, heard about the one in Udon, Thailand has very good medical care with exceptional nursing staff.

I'm in Chiangmai and am totally pleased with Med care. No insur, but Costs minimal.
Nicholas *******
Stem cells
Ken *********
I see another comment suggesting CBD.

I've used CBD for about 6-7 years.

Arthritis in my shoulder was debilitating. Seriously.

CBD has basically eliminated pain from my shoulder, but it does nothing for the arthritis in my wrist. Try it, you will know in a few weeks if it does get any good. 🙏🙏🙏
Ken *********
BTW, I'm 75 years old and will return to Thailand in a month. I look forward to the 300 step stairway at Huai Luang Waterfall!
Scott *******
Start lifting heavy weights
Mike ********
Scott *******
@Mike *******
Weight training will help to strengthen and get rid of arthritis and other things
Steve **********
Why is everyone selling their solution thru diet, replacement, proto?, and bee serum etc.

The guys asking for advice ( foolishly thru fb ) ,

Go to a good hospital, talk to a good Ortho Dr, and ask them for options, not the predators selling snake oil
Mike *******
You have to see a good orthopedic doctor in a good hospital. As Steve said. Ask the doctor questions and decide from there. Depending on what’s causing the medical issues, other specialist might have to become involved.

I realize you are trying to get peoples opinions. But they are just guessing also.
Steve **********
@Mike ******
Many Med Univ here have Ortho Professors as Ortho Surgeons as affil Hospital
Cam ********
@Steve *********
champ, if a doctor prescribes you something without asking your diet, you have a drug dealer. Not a physician. Plain and simple
Rancy *******
@Cam *******
seems to be we have unlimited drug dealers!
Steve **********
@Cam *******
champ ?
Mike ********
@Steve *********
We’ve been to many different hospitals and clinics and tried all the snake oils under the sun, just trying to find out other peoples experiences as fed up with being fobbed off by the Thai doctors,.
Steve **********
@Mike *******
What Province are you in Mike
Mark *******

Worked great for my knees
Mike ********
@Mark ******
What’s PRP ?
Yoni *******
@Mike *******
PRP is the more aggressive approach compared to prolotherapy. Also sometimes 10x more expensive. And doubt insurance will pay for either.

Search PRP vs Prolotherapy for her condition.
Mark *******
@Mike *******
got PRP at surecell Pratumnak
Yoni *******
@Mark ******
what was cost. Curious?
Mark *******
@Yoni ******
3 jabs in each knee over 3 weeks 20,000 baht
Mark *******
@Mike *******
Mark *******
@Mike *******
Paul *********
My wife has had both knees replaced. She has minimal pain now (right knee only), which could yet improve because it's not yet a year since it was done.

After she had her first knee replaced, they asked about her second knee, and she had no hesitation at all. Which tells you all you need to know.
Mike ********
@Paul ********
Great comment, good to hear, she has one knee 100% number 8 in pain threshold, and other knee seems manageable at the moment,.
Paul *********
@Mike *******
It's all fine talking about diet etc, etc, but she's the one in pain.

We went through the injections. In the end they just speed up the break down of the knee by masking the problem, and allowing the joint to wear faster.

In the end it's your partner's pain, you should really do what she wants or requires.
Paul *****************
A knee replacement in a public thai hospital dream on. It provides basic care and certainly not treatments you’d expect in Western countries.
Mike ********
@Paul ****************
I know, she only goes there for acupuncture or sticking a plaster on the problem and some pain relief,
John ********
Maybe they are refusing for another reason like osteoporosis. ? Have they said why ? Have you seen xrays , or used xrays for second opinion ?
Mike ********
@John *******
Had loads of x rays, I’ve not seen them, if it’s osteoporosis and not osteoarthritis what’s the difference ?
John ********
@Mike *******
osteoporosis is crumbling of the bone . It won't stand a knee replacement . You can suffer both conditions at the same time !
Lynnette *******
Knee replacement is fine when the cartilage is worn and bones are grinding together. Unfortunately once the joint is sworn away like that diet is unlikely to help. It does help with inflammation in the early days but not much help with bone loss.
Mike ********
@Lynnette ******
That’s the main issue, it’s bone on bone, cartilage is worn away,,
Lynnette *******
@Mike *******
I suffered that for years. My knee bent outward so when they did surgery had to make sure legs were same length. I had to fight to get the surgery in UK. But got it done and got 2 straight legs!
Yoni *******
There is only one thing other than serious diet changes to remove all inflammatory molecules from the diet. And yes that includes rice.

But only ONE medical therapy that will do anything for her.


For diet research Dr. Terry Wahls

For prolotherapy. There are lots of clinics in Thailand
Barry ***********
Rub bee venom onto the knees
Mike ********
@Barry **********
Just bought some of that a few weeks ago and some gels,.
Andy **********
My understanding of the health care system that Thai people receive from the government hospitals, (they pay a ฿30 contribution in there home Provence) I wouldn't have thought they would do a knee replacement, under that government treatment plan, if they did, I would have thought it would only be a case of if that person was going to actually loose the knee, you say she has had injections?? In my home country, people regularly have cortisone injections, is it something you have already tried?? I don't know if it's relevant to your wife's situation.
Mike ********
@Andy *********
She’s just had 5 treatments of cortisone at the “health clinic” in Bangkok costing
bht and it didn’t make any difference,.acupuncture, creams,lotions,massage,stick on patches etc ,.
John **********
It's normal for doctors to shy away from replacement surgery unless it's absolutely essential as the replacement has a life of maybe 15-20 years and as i understand it a limit of 2.
Gary *******
Seems you not love your wife or you would pay for her to have the operation to be pain free and let her wait till it too late for a Thai hospital to do it very cheap
Deb ********
@Gary ******
What a terrible thing to say, who stuck the pineapple up your ar..?
Gary *******
@Deb *******
go and fuck yourselves
Micheal ********
Gary *******
@Deb *******
the truth hurts I see with you
Deb ********
@Gary ******
Nothing wrong with the truth. It's the way you articulate it that counts....you don't remember what people say. But you always remember how they make you feel.....
Mike ********
@Gary ******
Love has got nothing to do with it, the doctors/ hospitals are not willing to do a knee replacement, my g/f of 15 years is scarred of having the operation, I’m not made of money but I’ve spent thousands of baht over the last 15 years and still have the same problem,.
Gary *******
@Mike *******
new knee in uk is only £8000
Galenus ******
59 is old age in Thailand. C'est la vie
Robert **********
Hi I would say the last thing she needs is a replacement I had similar issues and had arthroscopic surgery but I did this privately through insurance, I believe the cost at the time was around 100k THB but certainly worth looking round
Kevin **********
@Robert *********
I would say a knee replacement exactly what she needs. She's bone on bone and is keeping her body in a constant state of accelerated inflammation
Phil ********
I use Arcoxia.

You can get them in any pharmacy.

Also try CBD oil from places like Bloom Express.
Tree *******
@Phil *******
I have pretty advanced osteoarthritis and I so wish CBD helped but it doesn’t. I was in the cannabis industry in the US for many years and tried many different products but unfortunately none worked to help my knee pain. But it’s great for so many other pain, especially when paired with THC.
Phil ********
@Tree ******
If you need something for knee pain I highly recommend these knee patches from Lazada.

I used to have the feeling of broken glass in my knees when i kneeled down and now after using these it's gone.
Crystle ********
I wonder if there’s a way to force the issue through public as she’s entitled to it? I assume that’s what you’re asking also.
Mike ********
@Crystle *******
I’m just a passenger in this problem, I can’t wade in as a farang and dictate/demand what treatment she receives, she can stand up for herself (no pun intended),.
Peter **********
its a standard op for osstearthristic, might cost a few hundred thousand if you go private
Peter **********
Tree *******
@Peter *********
When it says 2 side does that mean cost for both knees? Or just one?
Peter **********
Tree Plant I'd say 2 as it does say 2 sides
Lone **********
Go and see Dr Gerhard Melcher in Phuket. He is world class ortho surgeon.
Robert **********
Has she been to petcharavej hospital ?
Mike ********
@Robert *********
Google reviews not great,.
Robert **********
Ignore the reviews. The hospital is awesome. I recommend you try it.
Mike ********
@Robert *********
No just a couple of big hospitals in pattaya and in home town of Kamphaengphet and local small hospitals and clinics,. Where’s the hospital you mention at ?
Frank **********
Of they refuse to do the surgery then you probably do not have much choice but to pay for it at a private hospital. Either way good luck and hope you find a solution.
Cam ********
People are going to turn their nose up at this comment but oh well.

Look into carnivore diet. I personally know someone with horrific arthritis that has cured, I mean CURED it entirely within 3 months eating carnivore.

Once you start a deep dive though, hold on. Throw away the traditional food pyramid way of eating as that’s proven to have been created in the 60’s by the grain industry.

Just try it. 3 months. Can only tell me it’s stupid if you’ve tried it and it doesn’t work.
Deb ********
@Cam *******
probably more to do with inflammatory and non inflammatory foods rather than the carnivore diet.
James *********
@Cam *******
Alternately, the Tequila diet has worked for Billy Brown for many years....
Rick *********
@Cam *******
totally agree my friend I have Crohn’s which is also an auto immune disease and although I don’t stick to the carnivore diet I try to and it helps keep me off medication and keeps the flair ups at bay 👍
Jeff ******
@Cam *******
I'm living proof of the keto diet at 59 if you want to hear how it changed my life just ask. P.S. my blood work is perfect.
Tree *******
@Cam *******
I’m one that believes changing your diet and what you consume can definitely have a positive outcome on your physical health. However, I do not understand how carnivore or any diet can “cure” osteoarthritis, which is what I have and maybe what the OP’s gf has as well. I think if it’s caught early on, it could be somewhat reversed but I just have a hard time believing if someone who is almost 60 and has had years of knee pain can have it cured by any diet. I have a good understanding of carnivore and several other diets such as keto that can be great for curing many physical ailments. So I don’t discount your statement entirely.
Mike ********
@Tree ******
Shes suffered with it from 2009 and it’s got progressively worse,.
Tree *******
@Mike *******
I can sympathize. Both my knees are in need of replacement but I’m going to see if PRP treatment can help in the meantime until I can get the surgery. We moved to Pattaya recently and will be seeing an orthopedist next week to get an assessment. I hope you find a solution for your gf.
Cam ********
I see you’re one of those fools hey
@John *******

Believe that cholesterol is bad for you? Even though it’s literally almost everything an infant consumes? Even though it’s what our brain needs to function? Even though statin medication has killed more people while outselling nearly all other medications world wide?

Come on man. If you’re gonna laugh back it up with why you’re being ignorant. 🤦‍♂️ 😆
John ********
@Cam *******
I don’t need medical advice from bogans
Cam ********
@John *******
what a retort Johnny! Come up with that all by yourself?

I’ve worn that crown many times fella. My mates call me the upper class bogan. Probably because I’m well educated, run my own extremely profitable business and own multiple properties, but aren’t enough of a prima donna to worry about pretending to be someone I’m not.

But hey, if you need some kook in a white coat, who’s been trained (indoctrination) exactly the way big-pharma wants them trained, then I’m not going to stop you.

You obviously haven’t the level of critical thinking needed to make your own educated decisions.

Best of luck with you fists of pills that are shortening your life.
Charlie ********
@Cam *******
I would agree with this. Remove all processed food groups from diet and that includes rice , grain and anything in a tin or a packet. A diet of protein with some leafy greens is likely to drastically reduce inflammation, maybe even banish it altogether.
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