How long does it normally take for Thailand pass approval? I applied for test and go prior to them closing that option and still no approval after 4 days. I even wrote to the support email but no reply. Should I reapply for AQ as my flight leaves on Jan. 5th?
TLDR : Answer Summary
The Thailand Pass approval process can vary in duration, with reported times ranging from a few hours to 11 days. While the official website suggests a timeframe of 10 days, applicants have experienced delays beyond the four-day mark, prompting concerns. If you have not received approval yet, some users recommend not stressing if you have submitted all required paperwork. It's advisable to check hotel options for Alternative Quarantine (AQ) just in case, especially if your flight is imminent. In one case, a user's application was rejected due to a mismatch in the arrival date and hotel check-in date, highlighting the importance of ensuring all details align accurately.