How can I successfully extend my visa exemption in Thailand during the pandemic?

March 7, 2022
3 years ago
Marguyvin **********

Successful Covid Extension Today

Office: Bangkok Muang Thong Thani

Visa Type: Visa Exempt

Passport: USA

Extension Granted: 60-days from expiry of my existing covid stamp


I have been here since the pandemic started in early 2020.

I have never left the country while the rest of the world was going into crazy lockdowns. For that I will be forever grateful to Thailand.

I have only been on covid extensions since 2020.

I have never changed to any other visa type other than the visa exempt which I originally entered with.


I was not asked "When are you leaving?". (They have asked in the past, but today they did not.)

I was not asked "Show me your ticket." or "Do you have a flight?" (They have asked in the past, and I replied I am planning it.)

They checked my docs for completeness, and made sure I signed where it's required.

They collected my docs and passport, asked me for the 1900THB fee and said "Please wait over there for us to return your passport to you."

It took about 45 minutes beginning to end.


I can't promise you will have the same experience because each case is unique. I will share with you what I believe helps (even little things that you don't think should make any difference).

Dress and Demeanor:

1. I wear long pants/trousers and a collared shirt(polo is fine) no matter how hot it is, and I wear shoes, not flip-flops. Professionalism goes a long way in helping your case with them. You don't need to dress like you are interviewing for a job, but you shouldn't dress like you're partying at the club or beach either.

Dress like you are going to church or a temple.

3. If they ask questions, I answer respectfully in a low voice, and I never show any emotion no matter how irritated I may be at the question.

4. If they tell me "you should have, you need to, etc." I reply "OK thanks for letting me know, I will."

5. If they raise their voice at me, I don't raise mine back at them.

6. Understand: Thais (nice or not so nice) expect to save face. Yelling back does not allow that and only delays or prevents your goal of getting a stamp in your passport. For me, nothing else matters (not my ego, my feelings, my "rights") except leaving that office with an extension stamp in my passport.


1. I print all forms out a few days before and fill them in advance. This saves both the office's time and mine. Not every form will be rejected, and if one is easy to just look at what I already printed and transcribe to the new form.

2. I take photos in a few days before going there. Saves time because LOTS of people show up without photos and that queue can get long.

3. I make photocopies of my passport pages in advance because (same reason as #2)

4. Even if I don't think I will need one, I bring a pen. Also...I bring a pen. ;)

5. I go in the morning. This is so if there's something I forgot or have been asked to resolve, I have time to do something about it and maybe still get things done by the afternoon.

Again, can't promise you the same results, but I hope this helps some of you. Good luck, and hope you continue to enjoy your time in the Land of Smiles.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A poster shared their successful experience in extending their visa exemption at the Bangkok Muang Thong Thani office, obtaining a 60-day extension from the expiry of their existing COVID stamp. They provided insights on their background, detailing that they had been in Thailand since early 2020 under Covid extensions. The experience highlighted the importance of professionalism in attire and demeanor during the application process, as well as practical tips for preparing necessary documents in advance. The post emphasizes a respectful approach during interactions with staff at immigration offices.
James ********
Thank you for your detailed report.

You are fortunate..

Enjoy your stay in Thailand.

And begin now to plan your next step.

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