How can I nullify a previous will made in Thailand without making a new one?

September 22, 2022
2 years ago
Bob ********
Hi Members...Under the "Anything Else" category...

Re: My "Will" made in Thailand.

A few years ago I made a "Will" leaving my estate (not hugh but very big by Thai standards) to my then Thai G/F...we broke up 4 years ago and I wish to make that Will null and void. I know very little about this subject so would appreciate any inputs.

I do not wish to make another one in Thailand which would cancel out the previous one. The Lawyers office is no longer located where it used to be and I do not know where he moved to.

The Executor was her previous boss and I don't know where he is located either.

If I simply tear up the Will would she be able to trace the Lawyer after my death and have it enforced.

I suppose I could make another Will in my home country in Europe, would that be sufficient.

Any advice would be most welcome.

P.S. She has already gained a lot from me ..A condo, 2 cars and a good bit of money over 12 years together...
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user wants to nullify a Thai will made for an ex-girlfriend without creating a new will in Thailand. Community members suggest that simply tearing up the will may not suffice, as previous wills may still be found or enforced. It is recommended to create a new will that explicitly states it supersedes all previous ones, preferably with the assistance of a qualified lawyer familiar with Thai law. Some members emphasize the importance of having separate wills for different jurisdictions to avoid complications.
Maple *********
Just write a new in your country because if you’re written will in Thai laws it’s only for your assets in Thailand. If you pass away she will receive only your all things in Thailand.
Felix ******************************
What the heck... Incredible how some men's minds are controlled by pussy. Why wouldn't you leave your assets to your children or siblings?
Paulie *********
There was a moderator on Thai Visa a while back advertising for sale a template for a Thai will – 900 Baht I think: I will attach it below. The rule of thumb is to have a separate will for each country where you have assets and compartmentalise them accordingly, so that one country can’t see the other countries will; far easier and prevents any estate duty issues. A bit off subject, I know, but a warning for anyone who is lucky enough to have a bank account in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man; neither repeat neither of these places are legally considered part of the United kingdom or Great Britain so please check the wording in your UK will to ensure it states ‘British Isles’ which will resolve the problem.
Chris ********
I recently used Issanlawyers for my Thai Will, very good. 3 copies, 6,500 baht. UK lawyer for my UK Will said Will made in UK is not enforceable in Thailand so you need separate for each country
Stan *******
Move your money outside Thailand to be 100 per cent safe
Dave *********
Take a copy of the old will. Revise it by taking out her name and adding what ever name u want in its place. Make sure to check wording for “Per Stirpes and Per Capita” depending on who u want to fall in succession.

Update it. Assign a new executor. Have it notarized here in Thailand and certified in English and Thai. Give a copy to the new executor. (If he dies before you then make sure u assign a new executor so u always have someone to show the court the most recent Will. Be sure to add/subtract what u want into the will.

When u die the new executor can show the court the new document which will automatically override the old document should the ex try to submit the old will.
Giorgio ******
@Dave ********
make a new will to your new thai wife . And leave a blank for the next one 🤣🤣
Daniel **********
Wow, lots of mistakes.... Get is sorted out quickly - by a reputable lawyer...
Gordon *******
Here’s 2 lawyer firms to contact
Gordon *******
John *********
I agree with many comments above. Create a new will that cancels the other. No need to leave her anything. We complete these daily at

Hope this assists.
เจสัน ******
Contact John Spooner at...
John-Paul ******
Write, date, and have it witnessed a new Will and post it to yourself registered with delivery confirmation. Also have it notarized by your embassy or consulate. That should be enough to void the original Will. Furthermore... what in all that is Holy where you thinking in the first place?! Even in the west we would keep the contents of a Will private even of its existence. Don't share!
Peter ****************
@Robert *******

I don't know for each country, but I remember told by A lawyer from Isaan Lawyers, that now it's possible to make a cross reference to a will from your home country and a Thai one. Again, you have to ask.
Ken ********
If you make a new will the old one ceases to be relevant only your last will and testament is. Well that’s how it works everywhere else but TIT
Jeff *****
Interesting comments
David *******
@Jeff ****
In the UK, your latest will is the only one that is valid, all your old wills are null and void. In Thailand I do not know, seek legal advice in Thailand.
Ron ******************
If you have assets in Thailand you must have a Thai will. In this will you replace all previous wills, thus curting out your ex. Your home country will is not valid in Thailand and your Thai will is not valid in your home country.
Peter *********
Make sure you leave her 1 Baht to show she was considered when making the new will and cant contest it.
Philip **********
@Peter ********
Why so much?
Damien ********
Make a new will which cancels any previous one and make sure the new one is kept somewhere safe that your executor can locate when u die and keep a copy of new will with u .. u need an executor u can trust not someone u don’t know ….
Greg *********
Every dated Will includes standard language saying that it replaces any previous Wills
Iliyan ***********
Tearing up the will does nothing. Your best bet is to find the old lawyer and do it with him. Another option would be to hire a new lawyer who if any good should also notify all parties and make a new will. Lastly I wouldn't recommend a European will because this might lead to a messy legal battle in the future on Thai soil assuming the assets are in Thailand.
Glyn **********
A new Will will automatically void an older version. All Wills are dated. Use a lawyer and make him aware of a previous Will.
Kool *******
Call Siam-legal. They will let you know over the phone what you should legally do. They are very good, and very helpful, and the phone call is free consultation.
Kool *******
@Colin *******
as an English teacher have you actually ever used them? I think not.
Colin ********
@Kool ******
Yes I was going to but.... that's why I say DO NOT use them.
Kool *******
@Colin *******
so you have no actual knowledge. Siam-legal is registered with the American/Thai chamber of commerce.
Colin ********
@Kool ******
I do have knowledge but as I said I cannot say here on a public forum. You can ignore my advice or not your choice but they almost caused me VERY serious problems.
Kool *******
@Colin *******
myself, and many others I know have used them very successfully. As with everything in life there are always extreme exceptions. In statistics on a bell curve it is at the three standard divinations outer point on the curve.
Colin ********
@Kool ******
this was not just a minor issue and was "supposedly" one of their best lawyers. Anyway, not my problem. I gave my opinion, now up to everyone else whether to listen or not. No difference to me
Colin ********
According to Thai libel laws you cannot post ANY negative comments about anyone or any entity in Thailand online no matter whether it's true or false.
Colin ********
@Kool ******
DON'T call Siam Legal
Colin ********
Robert Curtis yes but I cannot say on here because of Thailand's strict libel laws
Jeffrey ************
Just write a new will....
Mike *******
3 things:

write a new will, first line this will superseded all previous wills, get it checked and registered with a Frang Lawyer !! Good luck !!!
Noel *******
If you still have assets in Thailand it is best to have a Thai will as the will in your home country May only apply there.
Peter ****************
I think this is too serious to ask in a FB group Robert Curtis. You should expect it's registered in some system but.......🤷‍♂️.

Find a 'pro Farang' lawyer in y'r region is best I think. Good luck !
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