Has anyone experienced scams by agencies in Asoke, Thailand?

July 31, 2023
a year ago
Per-e ***************
Has anyone been scammed by an agency near Asoke? If yes, please message me. I won't name names in this post but I'm ready to file a police report now and curious how you handled the situation.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring if anyone has been scammed by a visa agency near Asoke and expresses readiness to file a police report. Commenters stress the importance of having physical evidence to support claims, suggest contacting the Tourist Police, and mention risks associated with using visa agencies. Some share their own experiences and advice, highlighting the potential for scams and the need for caution when dealing with agents.
Mike ******
Use LinkedIn ….

When looking for high profile visa agents

They advertise or position themselves ..there

with direct retribution if they get it wrong …

Just saying
Mike ******

There’s your way back ..
Per-e ***************
@Mike *****
Unfortunately immigration officers don't care about what happened and just see the last stamp. And agents can only do so much to fix things.
Per-e ***************
@Mike *****
My agent is on LinkedIn 😂
Per-e ***************
I talked to a law firm in Thailand last night. They're going to take care of it I guess nobody here was scammed by a travel agency near Asoke. Ok. Well.. Whatever happens happens I guess.
Tore *********
Per-e Goso Heikkin using a visa agency is in itself risky. Too much grayzone “business”, and you can do everything yourself with a little bit of research. Willing to bet thousands have been scammed over the years by dodgy visa agents
Manfred **********
Travel agency? Government agency? Secret agency?
John **********
Why would you give your passport to an agency?
Marc ********
@John *********
If you use an agent you have to give them the passport
John **********
@Marc *******
it was kind of tongue in cheek.
Marc ********
@John *********
Ah you were being sarcastic!?!

🆗️ didn't get that😅
Steven ***************
Passports are the property of issuing governments, not the holder. This is why you only hand it to those with authority ,eg police, immigration. Have you contacted your embassy yet?
Paul ********
Talk to Tourist Police first! I do not know your problem but at the Tourist Police at least you will be understood!
Frank **********
Be careful. Make sure you have solid evidence or they may turn around and sue you. Good luck though.
Per-e ***************
@Frank *********
@Kool ******
Thanks. Still not getting my passport back after a crazy long time should be sufficient. I have screenshots of line conversations too. Just out of curiosity, are police reports expensive? Maybe I'll get a lawyer myself to take care of this.
Frank **********
@Per-e **************
I don't know. I would think a police report would be free.
Kool *******
You must have actual physical evidence, or the police won't listen. In any " he said he said" situation they only go by the physical evidence provided. They are fair, but only if you can produce evidence.
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