Can I apply for Thai Pass using the same email for multiple applications for my group?

May 25, 2022
2 years ago
Daniel *************
Hi..I am visiting Bangkok mid July in a group of 5. I will be applying Thai Pass for the group.

Is it possible that I apply Thai Visa using same email for total 5 applications?

I just worry if my applications rejected due to same email for notifications. Or should I use 5 different email to apply Thai Pass?

Please share your opinions.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster is seeking advice on whether they can use the same email address to apply for the Thai Pass for a group of five travelers. Commenters suggest that it is generally possible to use the same email for multiple applications, but each individual must have their own Thai Pass. One commenter also recommends using Gmail aliases to differentiate applications while using the same primary email. Additionally, another commenter notes that the Thai Pass rules may change by July, so staying updated is important.
Lee *******
By July the Thai Pass may be history so try and keep updated as things here are very fluid
Lisa ********************
Can use same email. But each person needs their own TP
Brandon ************
I think it's possible, but if you're worried, you can use alias for Gmail. Any +xxxxx you put after your email address is ignored by Google but many systems will consider it a new email address.

For example if my email address was
I could do the following:

Myself I apply with Brandon+

For the next person i apply with Brandon+

You can put anything after the + sign as long as you put your full email address first. So you can even use your other traveler names like

Terary **********
@Brandon ***********
That's a great tip.
Dimitri ********
@Brandon ***********
Or you can do something like
You can use dots everywhere, you have different email addresses, but google will ignore the dots.
Brandon ************
@Dimitri *******
Yes, but I think the Alias would be easier to figure out which application is for which person in this instance, which is why I used that one.

My only concern is that the Thai system may not accept the + symbol since they're so bad at coding.

This is obvious from the fact that in checking your status you have to enter your e-mail address in case sensitive or it won't find your application. Makes no sense at all. Any first year developer in university would know to make email address case-insensitive.
Dimitri ********
@Brandon ***********
You know that all their websites get hacked too? I also applied several times for a Thaipass and now I get spam from Thai visa agencies offering me help with getting visa.
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