chiang mai expat community

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the Chiang Mai expat community tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with Chiang Mai expat community. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jan 11, 2023
2 years ago
Tabitha *********
Hi everyone- I’m up in Chiang Mai with Aus wife & 3 kids on 45 day exemption (day 12). I’m 50, wife not at magic number yet. Thoughts please on best way forward (Visas) to stay at least 6 months.
Aug 11, 2019
5 years ago
Alain ******
Good morning.

This is just a short message to thank everyone for helping others on this Facebook page.

I already read a lot of posts and it was really helpful.

Though I have to admit that it is all quite stressful this constant changes of rules, especially at local levels like neighbourhood countries consulates.

I am French and my wife is Scottish. We've been in Chiang Mai for a couple of months with an ED visa as we both want to learn Thai and we would like to live here.

I am retired from a military career and other 50 with a pension sufficient to apply for a retirement visa later on. I am currently studying from distance with a French University to get a master in teaching French. I already hold a diploma to do so but no bachelor degree. Because I would like to teach in Thailand later, the Thai embassy in Abu Dhabi told me to avoid retirement visa as it is complicated to pass on a work permit afterzards. If anyone has information relative to this possibility.....

The reason we are in Thailand is because we love the country and it's been a few years since we have decided to move in after my retirement. This also means we invest some money, to transport our stuff from Abu Dhabi -lots of taxes over 90000 bahts- for our pets - a dog and two cats about 30000 bahts. We also rent a nice house and bought scooter and also a car.

So reading all the posts is kind of worrying. I understand that a country has to protect its land and people- I was a military policeman for 32 years- but the changes and the differences between places start to make me feel uncomfortable in this country, though I had no problem whatsoever, so far. Also we don't have any past of running in and out Thailand or beeing denied in any way. We always came as tourists.

My main concern is about my wife, who is Scottish and about to be over 50 -not sure she likes me mentioning that on Facebook....- The fact is, schools would like to employ her but they dont seem to try hard. As a result, we are not sure she can teach English in Thailand. We still dont know if her UK diploma of radiographer technician -which is 3 years study after level A- can be recognised as a bachelor degree. She taught during 5 years in Abu Dhabi and holds a CELTA from Cambridge university. If anyone has a piece of advice what organism to approach or what to do to get it recognised or what kind of study she could try to attend......

Also and last point as the post is getting very long, sorry about that, if I decide to go on a retirement visa, can she have a visa based on the marriage and is money requirement the same as she doesn't have a pension?

This question was probably already answered. If so I apologise and will be thankful if you can just give me a link.

Please forgive my mistakes. English is not my native language.

Thanks again to everyone and especially to the admins.
Jul 19, 2018
6 years ago
Judy *******
I hope I can ask this work permit question here. I was told that last week Dept of Labor suspended issuing work permits for anyone who is a volunteer. Does anyone have information on this? If this is not the place to ask - then is there a place I can go (in English). thank you.
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