What was your experience obtaining a COVID-19 extension at Chaengwattana immigration?

November 23, 2021
3 years ago
Myroslava *********
I’d like to share my experience at Chaengwhattana immigration. I went to get Covid extension today. I had a stamp until December 21st and I’ve got a new stamp until February 19th. The officer didn’t ask for a return ticket. I was with a baby though, maybe it was the reason they didn’t complicate anything.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user shared their experience obtaining a COVID-19 extension at Chaengwattana immigration, where they received a new stamp extending their stay until February 19th. The immigration officer did not ask for a return ticket, possibly due to the user being accompanied by a baby. The conversation includes comments reminding that the COVID-19 extension is optional and questions about the user's nationality and visa type.
Benjamin ******
I'm shutting this down. Remember, the 60 day extension of stay based on unable to travel due to COVID-19 is an OPTIONAL extension of stay, and an immigration officer does not need to grant the extension. For more information about this extension of stay, please read:


Thank you
Niki *********
Did you have to present a letter from your embassy?
Myroslava *********
@Niki ********
No. I think they don’t ask for it anymore. At least I was never asked for that
Niki *********
@Myroslava ********
thanks. I’m going to try on Friday for my daughter’s visa extension in case they decide to stop giving COVID visa after the 29th
Benjamin ******
@Niki ********
I believe the last day they are selling the 60 day extension of stay based on unable to travel due to COVID-19 is November 26 (assuming it doesn't get extended).

Different immigration offices have different requirements, but all require the following:

1. Your passport and:

a. a copy of your data ("picture") page

b. a copy of your most recent visa (if you have one)

c. a copy of your most recent stamp

d. a copy of your departure card

2. A TM30, filed in the immigration office.

3. The forms (each immigration office may have different forms, and want to use their special forms)

4. A letter from your embassy saying you can not return, OR a print out from your embassy website saying they don’t issue the letters, OR a print out of a letter from the embassy saying they don't issue those letters. [NOTE the "OR's]. Changwattana *WAS NOT* asking for that proof, but bring it just in case.

5. 2x passport pictures

6. 1,900 THB.
Benjamin ******
1. Was this your first 60 day extension of stay based on unable to travel due to COVID-19?

2. What is your nationality?

3. What visa/ visa exempt did you enter on?
Myroslava *********
@Benjamin *****
1. It’s been my 4th extension.

2.I’m Ukrainian

2. Entered on a tourist visa in 2020, then switched to a work visa and then got a Covid extension
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