What is the WiFi quality like at the O2 Luxury Hotel in Bangkok?

February 20, 2021
4 years ago
David ***********
Anyone have any complaints about the WiFi in the O2 Luxury hotel Bangkok?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion about WiFi quality at the O2 Luxury Hotel in Bangkok revealed mixed experiences. Some guests reported excellent WiFi, sufficient for streaming and gaming, while others indicated potential issues, particularly with congested channels. There were comments about the challenges of leaving negative reviews due to hotel policies and local practices. Tethering phones or using small WiFi routers were suggested alternatives for better connectivity.
เต๋อ *****
Thailand hotel association should address this problem.

Or it will hurt the industrial.
Paul *****************
You get what you pay for. Internet is a Dream in cheap ASQ.
Lance *********
Great post.

Next time writing in a diary may be best.
Peter ******
Jesper ***********
@Peter *****
maybe that's why others don't have Wi-Fi capacity to read the news..? 😉
Stevie *****
sorry, can not answer that question. I would be arrested when I gave you a honest answer.
Paul *********
Excellent quality at this hotel. Played on Xbox for my quarantine period here and never had an issue
Frank-Steven ***********
Internet speed and reliability is actually the best feature about this hotel. Blazing fast - never below 150 Mbit/s for me.
Martin *********
Probably would if they could get online
Simon *******
Lucky u can afford luxury hotel
Garrett ***********
@Simon ******
Not about luck
Bim *******
I do. I can't get it here in Nakhon Sawan. Poor signal apparently.
Jeff *******
I played diablo on line for 2 weeks at O2 it was awesome
Darren **********
If the owner of the hotel sees this you could be in trouble just for asking
Jon *********
Take a small wifi router, the wifi channels are easily congested even if the bandwidth is still there.
David ***********
@Jon ********
what exactly is a small Wi-fi router sorry not quite up to speed with new technology 555
Wanda ****************
I heard many good comments about Wi-Fi is this hotel and my brother stayed there too
Wanda ****************
I hear many good comments about Wi-Fi in this hotel and my brothers stayed here too
Milo ****
Internet at many hop tels is crap. Tether your phone. There are good data plans with all networks
David ***********
Thank you. 😊
เฮนนิ่ง ************
Phil Jones i got one while in quarantine and they had a guy come and set it up for me. Yes they used my picture and passport for registration but it can be done from anywhere.
David ***********
Milo ****
Is there a way to order things from outside?
Carrie ******
@Milo ***
contact Lisa @ +66959499430. She can help you with getting a Sim card
0. She can help you with getting a Sim card
David ***********
@Milo ***
how to get sim card if you are taken straight to hotel
Sacha ****
No because you are not allowed to complain or get arrested 🤣🤣🤣
Oliver *************
Terary **********
Trip adviser has always been pointless. They're driven by profit.

I have left several complaints each time I get dirty looks or the management have gone out of their way to be more accommodating.

Its entirely other thing to be harassing. How many bad reviews did the guy leave for the hotel??? How many times did he stay there? The hotel owner has a right to set their policies. We have the right to follow the policies or go to different hotel.

Only a fucking American (or maybe Russian) would go to a hotel and think they have the right to dictate policy. The should have sentence the American to serious community service.
Darren **********
What if you write the review after you leave, can they still remove it ?
Sacha ****
@Darren ****************
i think its more to do with how much the establishment kicks up a fuss to Tripadvisor and tries to get defamation law enforced.
Sacha ****
Phil Jones yep, so Tripadvisor and stuff are pointless here as your not allowed to leave a negative review. Hotels complain, get you arrested and the negative review removed by Tripadvisor
Steve *********
@Sacha ***
you finally got it.
Sacha ****
@Steve ********
i've always had known this. Tripadvisor is pointless crap anyway, every single place has a certificate sent to them "best bla bla award of the year".

Got 3 doors down they will have an award for the same on display as well 🤣
Darren **********
@Sacha ***
true ! Better take this post down
Steffen *********
Steffen *********
No, it was super
Steen **********
Yes all place have this
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