What is the application process for a NON-ED visa for studying in Thailand as an Indonesian student?

July 20, 2020
4 years ago
Hanny *********
does anyone know about VISA NON-ED application process?

I am from Indonesia staying in Thailand, I just accepted as the new student at Suranaree University, Korat. and I need to apply VISA NON-ED.

please share some information for me if you know.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The application process for the NON-ED visa, which is necessary for studying in Thailand, involves enrollment confirmation from your educational institution, in this case, Suranaree University in Korat. Some comments suggest that universities typically assist students in processing their visa applications, often requiring just the signing of necessary documentation. It is also recommended to check the Thai embassy's website for specific requirements. Furthermore, one should consider their current visa status, particularly if they are on a visa extension or need to reapply altogether. Engaging a professional visa agent is also mentioned as an option, but many believe that the process can be managed individually.
Randall *********
Further more
@Hanny *****************
if you would like to know more you can pm me.
Randall *********
It depends on how long you have been here. Are you on a visa extension or is your visa still good. An for the guy saying the university should. They will help you as much as they can but your matter is not the same because your are inside Thailand. So you can cancel your extension and reapply for a new one for education. But without further information it is kind of hard. I wouldn’t pay anyone to do this also. It can be done if you are willing to do it all. You will also need a letter from your university stating why you need the new extension.
Randall *********
Also it might depend on your passport. Where you are from. But I do not know that for a fact the stuff above I do.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
He stated in his OP he was from Indonesia!
Randall *********
@Stan ******
good for you pointing that out! Then he should also know about where he can do it or not. Go troll someone else.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
Yes, well someone needed to do the reading for the hard of comprehension ... ;-) 🙄😂
Randall *********
@Stan ******
haha maybe one shouldn’t be giving their two sense where he has nothing to add. 🤫 you old expats that sit in these forms and point out asinine stuff like this always crack me up. We get it you don’t have nothing better to do.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
Calls someone asinine, can't even spell two cents when it's his own fkn currency! And it's 'forum', 'anything'. So, you're semi-literate too, right ... 😂😂
Randall *********
Stan Mould Hahahaha we get it bro you have no life! You have nothing to give besides act like your the fb grammar police, oh shit he didn’t read something in his original post. I should have known you would be fat old mad little man form the UK.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
Well, as we say about Texans - 'Texas born, Texas bred, big in the mouth, thick in the head'. Great advert for Septic education you are, eh?
Randall *********
@Stan ******
hahah at least you are funny old fat man. You know your words just show to everyone how sad and depressed your life has become. Does it make you feel better doing this? High jacking someone’s post just to point out an irrelevant point? The guy needs help. That is exactly how Thailand handles the situation at hand. But no let the grumpy old man that’s life has becoming so depressing he sits around using social media to get a little bit of joy in his miserable existence.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
you shouldn’t look at old photos when you are obsessively trawling someone’s profile. It just makes you look a twat who forgot his risperidone. I’m 30% lighter than those now. Oh sorry, I forgot that Septics can’t do percentages or metric. I’m 110 lbs lighter but Still 100% more intelligent than you though
Randall *********
@Stan ******
😂😂😂😂 I hit the correct button. There it was!!! Unless you have useful advice like I was incorrect about the Thai immigration ways keep your mouth shut. Nobody needs something like that when they need help.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
oooh, looks like I hit a nerve, have I? 😀
Randall *********
@Stan ******
no Mr. clean you sure did not with you grade school come back. So again this person doesn’t need to hear us arguing. So shut your mouth unless you have advice to help him.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
so why can’t you keep yours shut, Mr Sanctimonious?
Randall *********
@Stan ******
Mr. 100% smarter than me because you are giving no helpful advice.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
I haven't seen any of yours yet, Mr Smartarse.
Randall *********
@Stan ******
I guess you are not as smart as you though you were. Bye bye now
Stan *******
@Randall ********
Yeah, do fuck off. I mean, I've met some stupid Yanks, but you beat 'em all.
Randall *********
@Stan ******
Hahahaha you just can’t give it up can Mr. clean? Resort to cursing have we. You are a sad old man.
Stan *******
@Randall ********
And you are a very stupid young one who can't even spell his own currency! :-D :-D
Mark **********
I use this agent based in Pattaya really professional.
Rao ***************
You should visit website of Thai embassy in your country, they must have provided all the details and required documents to for Non-Edu visa.
Hanny *********
Yes, but I am in Thailand. not in my home country
Carsten ************
@Hanny *****************
you will need some help from your university or some agency, as officially it's impossible to get a non-ed from inside Thailand.
Eddie *******
My school did everything for me. A university should be well versed in securing a visa.

You should only need to sign (many) papers.
Hanny *********
I see, thank you bro.
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