This is for the people from USA. How did you proceed to drop your Medicare insurance from being deducted out of your Social security Check? Thank You
Alabama Jimmy
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TLDR : Answer Summary
This discussion revolves around how US citizens, particularly expats living in Thailand, can cancel their Medicare Part B deductions from Social Security checks. Several users shared their experiences, noting that the process involves contacting the Social Security office, either by visiting in person or calling for a specific form. There are warnings about future penalties for dropping Part B and the implications of dropping Medicare while living overseas. Many participants recommend contacting the US embassy for assistance, particularly for those residing in Southeast Asia. Additional suggestions include alternate health insurance options in Thailand that may provide better coverage at a lower cost.
Just FYI, after cancelling, within a couple of days the SSA benefit letter (on the mysocialsecurity site) reflected no Medicare deduction.
Brad *******
I would call social security. I kept my US address so I did not use the manila social security office.
I sent the form to my local US social security office. The SS 800# staff says the SS computer shows receiving the form within two weeks, but then, despite calls, they billed me for another six months....when my social security payments started they deducted $1k even though I didn't owe for those months. It's still on appeal two years later. SS is a mess.
I did it 2 yrs ago. I would call the local office to confirm they still accept it by mail ...or is there another procedure (maybe form been discontinued).
I just went through this last week and the phone "help" and the guy in the SSA office both told me the form was not available online. So much for training....
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Tony **********
Brian **************
You can go online and drop but to get it back will cost more than you can believe
Sharron *******
I am 77, I plan on dropping my US Medicare when I move there. I do not plan on coming back, period. If I should return for some reason, I was told I would have to wait for next enrollment period the end of the year. Never mentioned a penalty. I want to be cremated, so I plan to go back in an envelope. That gives me $200.00 to put toward my insurance in Thailand.
I agree with you Sharron. The same way I was thinking. Alabama Jimmy
Sharron *******
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Sharron *******
Phil *****
Jimmy ********
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Jimmy ********
Jimmy ********
I don't know but that is a good question. Maybe someone can answer it for us hopefully.
Marty *********
I signed up for Social Security when I was living in Thailand and when I turned 62. I used the Social Security office in Manila, Philippines. They also had my address as being in Thailand. A few months before I turned 65 I contacted the Manila SS office to ask them not to sign me up for part B. They said they wouldn’t sign me up unless I specifically asked them to do so. I didn’t ask them but I wonder if they won’t automatically sign you up if they know you are living in a foreign country.
They didn’t, as I said. I don’t know what the experience is in the US.
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Marty *********
Kool *******
Contact the SS division of the US embassy in Manila in the Philippines. You can do it all by email. They handle all SS for all of lower South East Asia. It took me less than a week, and the charge for part B was not on my next payment. If you ever want to get back on part B there is a 10% penalty for each year you were off it. If you were off it for ten years then signed up again during the sign up period, usually in November, then the premium would be double, but that is the only penalty. Part A is free so you always have that, the in patient major medical part. If you stay out of the US for the rest of your life it is a waste to keep paying it as you can't use it.
Tony **********
Medicare is nearly $200/month and my supplemental was closer to the same. I can get full coverage (no deductible or copay) with 25mthb coverage for right around the same cost. This includes both in patient and outpatient and drug coverage.
I just did it. Have to either go to a social security office or call them and have them mail you a form to mail back (not available online).
Even if you have an advantage plan, Medicare cost is now nearly $200/month before part d and before any supplemental or advantage plan. Not sure how Aetna above can provide any coverage outside the USA since Medicare offered no coverage outside USA
quote I have for 15m bath coverage is 188k baht/year (near $400/month). It is full coverage, inpatient, outpatient, drugs, rehab, etc. no deductibles or copays
Medicare is currently $187/month, supplemental is about $175 and part-d drug coverage is about $38. So cost is a wash and the coverage is better. Why would I want to spend $200/month for insurance I can't use?
Not sure about Medicare medical but the first year on Medicare I didn't take out coverage for pharmacy and ever since then I have to pay $100 additional each year for having missed paying that one year.
yes, there is a10% pregnant for every year you're of party b and part d. I didn't imagine to come back.
Ace **********
Thanks for confirming the 10% penalty for the Medicare portion. I kept an advantage plan, but scaled it down as it will pay for life threating (emergency) hospitalization here. I would have to pay out of pocket and then file to be reimbursed. Thanks and Best of health to you.
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Ace **********
David *********
I’ve been in SE Asia for a year. Never dropped my part b. Was told you have to send a letter with my signature to Social Security to cancel it.
Frank **********
Never dropped it.
Jimmy ********
So you don't know if it covers prescription medication or not....ok. Thank You
I think it depends on the prescription. I was taking a prescription med for cholesterol, I got 90 day supplies for free. I think it really depends on the medication, probably need part C for insulin. The US prescription is useless here, would most likely need to get an MD here to prescribe, then file a claim to get reimbursed .
Thank You. Why do you keep it if you are living full time in Thailand? What Health Insurance Company do you have now? Thank You for all of your advice.
I'm keeping it because eventually I will return to the US with my wife for at least several years. If you cancel it then decide later you want Medicare back there is a penalty. I retired from the Army so I use my military health insurance called TRICARE which pays 75% of medical bills. I have thought about dropping Medicare but they made it mandatory to have if I want to keep my TRICARE insurance.
in case you have to go back and use it. If you drop it there is a massive penalty to restart. I did the same and kept mine so there would be no interruption if I had to go back to the states.
cash and Veteran’s Administration Foreign Medical Program. The FMP only pays for my service connected disabilities which only covers a few things. I also have accident insurance for my motorbike to cover medical due to accidents.
I get my Medicare coverage through Aetna, they will reimburse costs for ER treatment. If admitted through ER for a hospital stay they will also reimburse the costs.
Thank You. I did not know you could do it that way. Mine is Viva and I pay $170 taken out of my check. I am 73 yrs old. What do you pay monthly if you don't mind me asking?
Aetna accepts the cost set by Medicare, it’s automatically deducted from SS check, currently $174.10/month. I only have parts A & B, I’m not on any prescription medication.
definitely ER treatment and will cover if admitted to stay in hospital. Getting a regular check up, I haven’t, could be out of pocket since the Dr is out of network.
Last question. Do they know you are living in Thailand and not just visiting? Do you live full time in Thailand, or do you go back and forth? If so, I will look to them for insurance.
I’m not officially living in Thailand, I’ve been here 6 months and just applied for the 3+12 month Non O. I don’t have any plans at this point to return to the US, that could change but it would be just a visit. My Aetna agent told me if I need any medical treatment go to the ER. I do maintain a physical address in US.