Hi there, having searched through previous posts, and found lots of info, we have one specific question left...
Has anyone received a second covid extension from Samui immigration?
We are about to apply for our first covid extension in Phan Nga. (Already used our 60 day original visa, plus 30 day extension). We know it's currently available until 25th January. Fingers crossed this will be extended. We are concerned about what happens after this first covid extension expires. We'll have about 5-7 weeks left before we fly home to Denmark.
The post inquires about the possibility of receiving a second Covid-related visa extension in Thailand, specifically after the first extension applied for in Phan Nga expires. One commenter clarifies that what is commonly referred to as a 'Covid visa' is actually a '60-day unable to travel due to Covid extension', which is available to anyone on any visa. The extension can be applied for until January 25th. The discussion highlights that while extensions are typically granted, there may be limitations on duration and new announcements might come close to the January deadline.
In general the first extension you apply for MAY end up being 30 day extension (regardless of if you ask for 60). That extension is from whatever date you apply. The subsequent 60 day extensions (if extended beyond Jan 25th) are added to the current expiry of your existing extension date.
no. Always used MTT . Good experiences keep using same one (I coordinate my travel to pass via bangkok as my expiry happens)
Reply to
Mark ********
Garrett ***********
2 things,
First: there's no such thing as a covid visa, people just call it that's. Its a "60 day unable to travel due to Covid extension" and is avaliable for anyone on any visa. Your first extension will start from the day you apply for it and with limited circumstances there's no limit to them.
Second: as of now, the last day to apply for the extension is January 25th. The government hasn't extended it past then, however it could be. Historically they wait until the last couple days to announce the covid extension.