What are the differences and implications of British Citizenship versus Naturalisation?

February 16, 2021
4 years ago
Ian ************
Hi All,

Can anyone explain the differences / advantages / disadvantages between British Citizenship and Naturalisation?

I’m aware it’s 3 years v 5 years.

Thank you for any help.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The conversation centers around the differences between British Citizenship and Naturalisation, noting that British Citizenship can generally be obtained after three years of residency with a permanent address, while Naturalisation is the process for those living abroad. The discussion includes some confusion about the group's focus on visa-related topics, indicating a desire for clarity on the distinctions relevant to visa and immigration contexts.
Graeme **********
Wrong group mate.
Ian ************
Wayne ********
This isn't 'UK Visa Advice'.
Bobby ********
U are in the wrong group
Ian ************
@Bobby *******
ok thanks
Ian ************
@Bobby *******
visa group and I’m asking a visa related question?
Todd *********
British citizenship is an unfortunate tragedy of bad parental planning. They could have had you anywhere nice , but either got stuck in the UK, or just wanted you to suffer along with them.
Michael *********
Todd McGowan

And how they have treated the Irish and Ireland, never mind many

other parts of the world.

Thais tell visitors that their country is the only one in SE Asia that was not colonized by the West (France in Indochina and ... you've guessed it).
Todd *********
@Michael *****
and the food. Horrific traffic. Long queues. Brexit. Bleak and dreary. It’s only amazing a few people stay there.
Michael *********
Even the Brits themselves complain about the weather in the UK.
Todd *********
love how you are challenged to trigger coherent thoughts together 😂 Stay safe mate
Jon ********
@Todd ********
you're not very bright are you, Canada... America 2.1 so good you dont live there and now play in a mariachi band
Todd *********
😂just like old times! Fortunately the British have a very poor record in getting ass-kicked in North America, so retreated to their little island.
Steve *******
@Todd ********
A plastic Yank trying to slate the British. Oh the irony!
Todd *********
@Alan ********
ahh, you saw the light. Dismal place isn't it? Toddle on then mate - long retired here. You poor, long suffering sods always good a laugh.
Alan *********
@Todd ********
I don't actually live there lol...oh well I've had my fun with you ... work now. Talk again sometime never.
Todd *********
lol, clearly you have never been. Enjoy your days of servile futility for the Queendom.
Alan *********
@Todd ********
have you ever wondered why the British love Canada so much, I will enlighten you...Because it's so British..🤣🤣🤣 have a nice day.
Todd *********
haha, as I said, bygone days. I think we may still invite over for a tea party every decade or so, but she is pretty much useless for us at this point. If that is what her subjects (you poor sods) consider 'wonderful', then things have gone far worse then i believed in the Divided Queendom.
Alan *********
@Todd ********
remind me who is your head of state, I got it the Queen of England that's so wonderful for us British but I can see your problem 🤣🤣🤣
Todd *********
@Alan ********
bygone days as they say. Imagine if the present generation had not detiorated so badly.
Alan *********
@Todd ********
The British have a tremendous past , it's all history now and we achieved so much at a time others couldn't. And you cant change history.
Todd *********
nothing for anyone to be proud of that’s for sure 😂
Alan *********
@Todd ********
ahh I see you are from BRITISH columbia, dont like the old colonial roots ahh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bim *******
Naturalisation is applying for citizenship if you live abroad I understand. It's the legal process to obtain citizenship if you don't have a permanent address in the UK. I believe that's the difference. My Thai wife is a British citizen but she had to have lived in the UK for three years under leave to remain visa and have a permanent address in the UK.
Ryan ********
You may want to contact the British embassy!
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