stamp in passport

Showing 1 questions

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Jul 17, 2021
4 years ago
Tod *********

*90 Day Reporting*

This is how it seems they're interpreting the 90 day reporting rule.

IF you are on an extension for the SAME reason for 90 days you are obligated to do a 90 day report. This is why NO ONE was told to file a 90 day report earlier. If you came in before the lock down, took amnesty, then embassy letter extensions and then FINALLY started on the covid extensions you were on all different extensions until you went for the SECOND covid extension (when you would have been here 90 days on an extension for the same reason)

What this means is; most people who entered on a tourist visa or a visa exempt entry wouldn't do a 90 day report until you got the SECOND 60 day covid extension and your 90 day report would be due 30 days into that (60 from the first extension and 30 from the second one equals 90).

Now that is how the rule SHOULD work but we're seeing immigration offices use the "you didn't report before" reason to just fine people as they see fit. Keep in mind the fine for you showing up at the immigration office without having done a 90 day report before cannot be more than 2000baht <- period end of story. There is not a "not more than 5000baht" fine like we're seeing being asked for at some rogue offices.


IF you get fined for failure to file a 90 day report you will ALWAYS get a "failure to file on time" stamp in your passport that shows the 2000baht as the fine paid along with a stamp on your new 90 day report receipt stating you were fined the 2000baht on xx date as well as getting a receipt for the fine you paid <- there are NO exceptions to that.

So if you get fined but don't get that stamp in your passport or on your new 90 day report receipt and don't get a receipt for the fine paid you just were extorted :O

My advice to EVERYONE on covid extensions (especially ones who've been here since the lock down at the end of March 2020) ASK your immigration office when you're applying for your covid extension about whether you need to do a 90 day report or not. AND be a pest about it, don't take the first answer from some low level passport stamping paper-pushing officer as the real answer.
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