Will there be a penalty if I submit my COVID-19 test late using the Mor Chana app in Thailand?

January 16, 2022
3 years ago
Stafford *********
I’ve been in Thailand since the end of December and completely forgot to a test after 7 days and have only just noticed the morchana app has been asking me to submit one, will there be a penalty if I do one now?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user forgot to submit their COVID-19 test via the Mor Chana app within the 7-day timeframe and is inquiring about potential penalties. Community responses suggest that while delays can occur, many individuals have faced similar situations without strict repercussions. It is recommended to explain your submission difficulties and consult with your hotel or the embassy for guidance.
Lindsay ********
The second for me was self test app. Hotel hospital say nothing about submit. Take photo of test with date taken. I came in before 2nd PCR test required so no idea what want
Steven ******
I arrived at a similar time, didn't do my 2nd test, nothing was said when I departed.
ᘻᗅᖶᖶᗁᕦᙛ *******
Listen out for the police knocking on you hotel door in space suits
Stafford *********
I’m not even sure that the 7 day test was part of the deal when I came, it may have come into affect after? As I don’t recall the hotel staff saying anything either, I landed on December 30 and my pass was granted on December 9th
David *******
@Stafford ********
-I arrived 12 Dec. Tested once and cut loose. I was given a test kit to be used in 7 days, with no further instructions . Tested negative on day 7 and threw it away.
Sobre ***********
@Stafford ********
noop... Everyone came to Thailand on and after 24th of Dec. NEED/HAVE HAD signed a covid declaration form upon arrival and given a pink slip subsequently for 2nd Pcr test on day 5_7 under test *go
Mitchell *******
@Stafford ********
I think there was a period of about a week where people weren't given the form even though we were expecting it. I arrived on Dec 26th in Phuket (test and go) and was not given any pink slip, or anything to suggest a day 6 test, or where to get it done. Also, I was in Bangkok by day 6.
Ryan ****
@Stafford ********
did you get a pink slip of paper when you came through the airport?

Based on your date you should have been given the pink slip which is for the second RT-PCR test.
Stafford *********
@Ryan ***
not that I can recall
Ryan ****
@Stafford ********
my parents arrived December 30 at BKK airport under the Test and Go scheme and got it. That slip is needed to get the PCR test for free.

Can you try talking to the Test and Go hotel that you came in through and see what they say? I was under the impression they have access to some sort of web portal for this quarantine related stuff.
Stafford *********
I think I’m going to ring the embassy tomorrow and see what they say, then maybe the hotel, cheers
Jonathan *******
@Stafford ********
it's been a requirement since the beginning for Thailand Pass. Initially it was an antigen test, now it's RT-PCR
Alan ***********
I was late submitting as didn’t see the notification until I opened up the notifications and saw they had been messaging daily. Submitted Kat night and nothing back so far.
Stafford *********
@Alan **********
how late were you? Where did you do a test?
Alan ***********
@Stafford ********
done the test at bung Lamung hospital and 5 days late. Not that long but the notification to upload never appeared. I thought once you received it via Line that was it. Might have surprised a few people.
Karim ***************
Just say you tried to submit but couldn’t. Call your old hotel and ask them to submit
Stafford *********
dont you have to go to a certain facility to do one?
Michael ******
I found it impossible to submit one through the app. I had to get my SHA hotel to do it for me. The link in the notification, will just transfer you to the app, which won’t work.
Atte *******
@Michael *****
Then I would leave it there. If they are so damn stupid that they implement apps that dont work then I would not waste 5min of my holiday on that shit. Sue me on deperture is what they had to do.
James **********
Im surprised they havent come looking for you
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