The online booking system from Royal Thai Embassy Vientiane. As expected the booking situation, after Songkran is better, I see no unusual pattern of bookings. If you plan ahead you can book now for 17th 18th, (if you fancy a weekend in Vientiane you can choose the 19th as well), the other week they just open the booking for 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th. Each day 200 slots, so actually no problem, just plan ahead. The changed the outlook a bit, check it out and sign up on
TLDR : Answer Summary
The booking system for appointments at the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane has improved post-Songkran, with no unusual patterns observed. Appointments for the 17th and 18th are available, and the embassy has opened slots for the 22nd to 25th, with 200 slots available each day. It is recommended to plan ahead for bookings.