Can my friend who is moving to Thailand get a bank account sharing my apartment and with a non-O retirement visa?

September 27, 2024
2 days ago
Ken ********
I have a friend moving to Thailand next month. He's 80 and would be coming to get his non-O retirement visa. I've done this before so I know the ropes...

The question is - if he stays with me and shares in my apartment - which I am on contract for - can he still get into a bank if they require proof of lease or TM30 or something like that?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is assisting a friend who's moving to Thailand to obtain a non-O retirement visa and wants to know if staying at their apartment, where they have a contract, would allow the friend to open a bank account. Comments suggest that the friend will need a TM30 registration to verify his residence for immigration purposes. Obtaining a non-O visa before arriving in Thailand is recommended for easier banking process, as it can be more difficult to open an account with only a tourist visa. Additionally, some banks may require more documentation than others, adding to the complexity.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Graham ******
If your friend has been on a retirement visa previoussly didn't he have a Thai bank account for that and has he maintained it?
Ken ********
@Graham *****
Its his first time ever here, coming to get non-O and stay at 80
Graham ******
@Ken *******
Sorry, you said you've done it before. To make it easier to fet a bank account it would help to get a Non-O before he travelled otherwise it would probably need an agent.
Vince *********
Yes you can
Tony ********
As others have said its the law that every foreign visitor ( were all vistors regardless of visa) is registered within 24 hours (even those married with kids living in the family home). But don't get hung up on the 24 hour thing, just get it done as practically possible and enter the check in date as the date that the report is being filled in. (Dont try and back date it).
Ross **********
@Tony *******
how does every Thai know about this law. Except for hotels , I don’t know any Thais that know this. I have been visiting and staying with Thais for 12 years and not one of them has ever filled out a tm 30 . I am arriving on Tuesday and I will ask many people from all the provinces I go. Family and friends.Thai not Falung . I will ask if they know
Declan **********
@Ross *********
most thais won't know unless they are renting properties to foreigners.

I've not come across a single landlord that doesn't know even out in the sticks when I lived in the arse end of nowhere in SaKaeo my landlord knew and the day after I signed my contract his wife turned up with the paper TM.30 and told me to go to immigration in Aran and give them it.
Tony ********
@Ross *********
agree, but i'm pretty sure your not aware of all the laws that actually exist in your home country. The onus with this scenario is it falls to the visitor to keep on top of it and communicate it when not staying in hotels.
Ross **********
@Tony *******
yes I will be trying to navigate my way .
Brandon ************
@Ross *********
ignorance of the law is not a defense
Andy ********
It is now a lot harder to get a bank account in Thailand with a tourist visa or visa exempt. As a result I would advise your friend to get a non immigrant O based on being over 50 in his home country before he comes to Thailand. With a non Immigrant O he will find it much easier to open a bank account.
Ken ********
@Andy *******
he'll be here in 2 weeks, no time for that
Declan **********
Regardless of how this plans out he will need a TM.30 for the extension, which you will have to submit (if you have the online login details) or you'll have to ask your landlord to submit one for him.

Depending where you are you might be able to get a residence certificate with just a TM.30 without the need for a 90 day report.

Failing that I have heard of people going to immigration and asking for a letter to open a bank account for the non-o extension requirements and the immigration office has given it.

Some banks will accept just the non-o stamp some want a plethora of documents so it's going to require some foot work regardless.
Vinay ********
@Declan *********
absolutely correct. My hotel was prepared to get a letter from immigration for 2,000 baht bribe and then opened my account with 5,900 health insurance for a year. She only wanted me to stay at her hotel in Hua hin for 695 for 1 night. I said OK bit will only pay after the account is opened and I have a debit card and online access. She agreed and I found she does this as a business. If you want her details then PM me. All depends on where you're located but once you have online access it doesn't really matter
Ken ********
I wonder if someone who is not paying the rent nor lease, but living in the apartment, can get a TM30?
Jeffrey ************
@Ken *******
of course. You must register a foreigner within 24 hours of arrival.
Aake **********
Declan **********
@Ken *******
If a foreigner is staying in a property regardless of being on a lease or paying rent a TM.30 is still required by law.

Your best option for this is talking to your landlord or the property agent (if you have one) and explaining that your friend is coming and you would like him to live with you in the property you are renting and will need a tm.30 submitting when he arrives (i don't see it being an issue in all honest because the rent isn't based on number of occupants, it's based on m2, location, amenities etc, and in my experinece most landlord/agents are rather reasonable)
Stephen ********
@Ken *******
yes. Same as staying at a hotel. The purpose is that Imm know where people are overnight.
Kool *******
@Ken *******
the landlord/owner of the property must file a TM30 within 24 hours from the time you move it. That is the law.
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