spousal visa issues

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the spousal visa issues tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with spousal visa issues. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Dec 12, 2024
a month ago
Robert ************
Update: All approved without any further documents. Submitted as advised here, for which thanks to all.


I own and run a portfolio of 9 UK rental properties remotely from Thailand and Cambodia. I have retirement visas in both and own a property in Thailand - usually need to fly back to the UK several times a year - and would like to change from retirement visa to DTV

On reading other people's experiences here, I've just opened a Ltd company with me as director.

Advice please on how to write the letter to myself saying I can operate this remotely.

Also, should I mention the property in Thailand/submit the yellow book?

Reason for wanting to change to DTV is that it isn't easy to have one's (in my case Cambodian) spouse accompany one on a retirement visa anymore (this is confirmed by Thai embassy, Cambodia). We will be applying in Cambodia.

Many thanks for your input
Nov 21, 2023
a year ago
Andy ******
Hi folks. I would like to share that the Thai Embassy in Penang(Malaysia) no longer issue the 90 Days Non-O Visa for Dependant based on spouse's Non-O Retirement Visa. My wife got her 1 Year Retirement Visa in Chiang Mai recently.

Please take note of the new regulation.

Here is a reply from <thaiconsulate.pen@gmail.com> that I received yesterday morning. You may further verify with them if you wish.
Oct 12, 2017
7 years ago
Gene ********
I recently asked a question here about getting an official marriage license translation. It turned out that the issue was completely different, but I misunderstood what the immigration officer was asking some months ago.

My wife - also American - and I went to do our visa extension today in Hua Hin, and we got an officer who speaks good English. He would not accept our marriage certificate (a copy certified by the county's issuing authority, but not the original because that is kept in their official public records archive), because the copy's authenticity had not been verified by the US Embassy. They want us to get our statement of authenticity notarized by the Embassy, then they will process our extension.

We have a few weeks before our visas expire, so we don't anticipate any issue there. On the other hand, we do live about 250 km from Bangkok, so that part will be a bit of a pain.

Another interesting thing they required: they wanted me to draw a map to our house. I pulled up Google maps and showed them the exact location (I have it saved), but they insisted on a hand-drawn map.
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