gym accreditation

Showing 2 questions

This page displays all the results for the Gym Accreditation tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 2 questions that have been tagged with Gym Accreditation. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Dec 7, 2024
a month ago
Q for Muay Thai/soft power applicants:

- Can you provide a list of the documents your gym gave you to assist with your application?

- does the gym need specific accreditation?

I am already a member at a gym, but they havenโ€™t done DTV. I donโ€™t want to train at another gym for 6 months so I want to see if I can get my gym to provide me with the necessary paperwork. It is a big, reputable gym in a major city with a foreign owner.
Oct 11, 2024
3 months ago
David *******
Some help please, be kind

I am offshore and if I apply for a DTV visa to get in to Mauy Thai training what do I need to supply ?

Will a confirmation letter from the gym suffice?

Does the gym need to be accredited or authorised?

Is there attendance expectations?

How often?

How long sessions?

Do I need a contract with gym?

Etc etc?

Any heads up appreciated

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